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5 Tips to Help Kids Reach Their Goals in the New Year

5 Tips to Help Kids Reach Their Goals in the New Year

5 Tips to Help Kids Reach Their Goals

Last updated on October 30th, 2023 at 05:44 pm

Setting goals aren’t just for grownups! Learning to set and accomplish goals at a young age will help kids learn valuable qualities that will help them develop into well-rounded children, adolescents, and adults. Self-confidence is acquired and self-discipline is learned and the realization that they can make a difference when they put their mind to do something are priceless lessons to learn at a young age.

How can you help your children set goals? Here are some tips.

goal chart kids reach their goals
  1. Help them set a goal that is reasonably attainable for their age and skill level. It is better for them to reach 5 small goals, reaffirming he/she is an achiever than to lose self-confidence in a goal that was too big to begin with. It’s best to start with a goal that has very few steps that can be accomplished in one day.
  2. Let them pick the goal. You may be able to cue in on something they wish they could do.
  3. Talk about how they can achieve the goal.
  4. Be their cheerleader and support system, but avoid taking over.
  5. Beware NOT to have your children compete against their siblings to see who can accomplish a goal first or “better.” This can develop resentment and an unhealthy competitive attitude between them.
boy reading book kids reach their goals

Some ideas for goals that little kids can achieve:

  • Saving money towards a special toy
  • Reading a short book or singing a whole song from memory
  • Deep cleaning their room (this is a good one for twins to work on together)
  • Learning how to do a proper jumping jack, use a jump rope, climb a tree, tie a shoe, ride a bike, or put on their own seat belt

Some bigger goals as your kids get older:

  • Saving money towards a special experience, such as a movie night or a trip to a theme park or museum
  • Reading for 6 hours over the course of a month (with or without parent help)
  • Helping out in the community, such as donating 3-6 hours a month to a dog shelter, food pantry, or seniors center.
girl holding puppy kids reach their goals

As your kids get older they can handle more complex goals that take a few days, a week or a month to accomplish. Keep these additional things in mind as well:

  • Help them reassess their progress every day.
  • Help them learn from setbacks to be constructive and help them move forward.
  • Have a visual to see how far they have come. Set up a chart that is visible to your child, review it with them often.
  • Set a good example. Let them see you reaching your goals.
  • Try setting a goal as a family and work towards it together. This will bring you together and will encourage teamwork.

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