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How Can I Deal With My Twins Throwing EVERYTHING?

How Can I Deal With My Twins Throwing EVERYTHING?


Last updated on September 28th, 2021 at 01:44 pm

A MoM recently asked:

Please help me! My almost 2-year-old twins throw EVERYTHING! They throw things in the pool, out of the bathtub, out of the car/stroller/wagon – you name it. The biggest problem is throwing food at every meal. They dump their plates out on the floor, throw food on the floor they don’t want, etc. If one twin does it, so does the other one, and they’re quick as lightning! Has anyone else dealt with this? HOW did you deal with it? I feel like I’ve tried everything! Any advice would be appreciated! 

Here’s what our Twiniversity fans had to say:

– My twins definitely follow each other! If one behaves badly, the other one does it because he thinks it’s hilarious. They just turned 2, and mealtimes are sometimes frustrating. The minute they start throwing forks or food on the floor, we take their food away. They usually cry to get it back, so we give it back to them and tell them if they do it one more time, they’re done for good. Sometimes they’ll finish eating nicely, and other times they’ll do it again because they think it’s funny. They now know the consequences. It still happens, but they know we’re being serious. Try telling them that they’re done–whether it’s playing with a toy, emptying the bathtub, finishing a meal, etc. They’re old enough that they will understand the consequences. ∼ AM

– I would offer less food on the plate or tray in front of them. Let them ask for more. Then hopefully they will eat what’s offered and you will have less waste to throw on the floor. Children that age love to experiment with gravity. Help them make paper airplanes and let them throw those instead. Offering a safe option for them to experiment with helps brain development and is fun for them and mama! It’s totally the age and more than trying to annoy you. ∼ MBA


– “Stop throwing” was a common phrase in our home for about three years. For dinner, I always said you don’t have to eat it, but you cannot throw it. It needs to stay on your plate. If they throw food, either take the plate away or remove them from the table. It may take a long time. Face them away from each other so they cannot see what the other is doing. ∼ TGG

– One thing I did with mine when it came to throwing food was put them in highchair “time out” (a.k.a. as soon as they threw food I turned the high chair around facing the wall so they couldn’t see me or their twin and they were in isolation.) It is definitely an attention thing with twins! ∼ DKL

– Mine started throwing their water cups on the floor. After every single sip. I showed my daughter how to “hand it to mommy.” I said those words over and over as soon as she finished taking her drink and she caught on quickly. When she would hand it to me, I would give lots of praise and high fives. My son quickly caught on so he could get the high fives too. Now, if I’m not paying attention, they get my attention so they can give their cups back to mommy. ∼ BH

– This was such a nightmare with our twin boys. Around 18-20 months, things got very bad around mealtime. I dreaded putting their plates down. I researched and tried many approaches. What worked best for us was putting very little amounts on their plates. When someone threw anything to the ground, they were made to get out of their chair and pick it up. It really did help SOME. I honestly think in time they just grew out of it. This will pass! ∼ JSH


– I don’t know the answer but maybe an EZPZ Happy Mat will help keep them fin on throwing plates at meal times? It suctions to the table or high chair! So they will just throw food I guess instead of the whole plate! ∼ ELD

– My twins would have their meal taken away if they were throwing their food. After they calmed down we would try again. Toys thrown go in time out for the rest of the day. If they are both in time out, they’re put in separate locations to avoid playing. As a twin parent, you have to nip it in the bud quickly, because monkey see monkey do is very real in our lives. ∼ LB

– My two have done this. What I’ve done is put less food on their plate and when they throw it I take everything away, wash them up and make them sit on the couch. For about 5 minutes they will then go play and then decide they’re hungry again. I place them at the table give them their plate with less food again and explain if you throw it again back to time out in a serious voice, then ask if they agree and usually that works. Now I just explain it first and they agree. We now have fewer issues. ∼ JA

– This sounds just like my 2-year-olds. It’s frustrating. They’ve slowed down once I’ve started ignoring it and not reacting strongly. Sometimes they do it for the reaction. Also, I take things away; like the toy “lamby” who went to church with us on Easter Sunday. Once it went “flying” at a woman who was in line for communion, it was gone! ∼ CS


– Stay calm. If they know that throwing things will trigger you they will keep doing it just to watch the reaction. Tell them calmly, “I don’t want you to throw things.” ∼ MM

– That would be a discipline issue as I feel 2 is old enough to understand when you are doing something wrong, that you have clearly been told not to do. If it’s a toy they have I would take it away and not give it back. Or all the toys would come out of the tub after I have warned them one time about throwing them out. Same with food. They dump it intentionally, get them down and put them in time out and ask if they want to try again. If it happened again I would be done with dinner and then not give a snack. Best to get control over these things when they are young because they will only keep adding to the stress as new “ideas” pop into their heads. ∼ TH

– I think it’s just called having twins. ∼ JF

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