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The #1 Resource & Support Network for Parents of Twins

The First Year with Twins Week 12

The First Year with Twins Week 12

Last updated on October 13th, 2023 at 01:59 pm

Learn what to expect with your infant twins week 12, including tips, tricks, and advice from real twin parents who have been there.

All content on this website, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

Your Twins Week 12

Welcome back returning twin parents! Hello and welcome to the new twin parents who are just finding us today!

You made it through your first 2 months as a twin parent and you’re now well into your third month of twin parenthood. This is a huge accomplishment. Little known secret: we knew you could do it!

Now what? Well, this is a good place to start. We have plenty of information and resources to help you navigate twin parenting with your twins week 12.

Our twin parenting tips come from our very own experienced twin parents from around the world! These parents have all been there, done that, and are ready to share their tips and tricks with you.

These first few months are full of excitement, questions, and even some anxiety. Not to worry, we’ve got your back. We’ve laid out all our best tips, tricks, and advice for twins week 12.

If you haven’t already, now might be a good time to reach out to our twin parent mentorship coordinator. Connect with another twin parent who has been where you are and can offer support and advice specific to twin parenting at this stage!

Twins week 11 and 12
12 week old twins

If you’ve felt like every day seems like the movie Groundhog Day and you’ve been worried that it will never get better — guess what! Right about now you may notice that it starts getting better! Longer stretches between feedings will be a game-changer and your babies will soon interact more with you. Savor every single milestone, no matter how small, and write them down or you will forget them. Sending yourself quick emails is an easy, low-stress way to record everything. Qeepsake and Tinybeans are great apps for recording and sharing milestones.

What to Expect with Twins Week 12

  • Start practicing good hygiene to prevent illness but don’t go overboard with the anti-bacterial wipes. Some contact with germs in important for your twins. Baby’s immune system will not be given the opportunity to develop properly without having things to fight. Aim to keep things “clean” rather than “sterile”. This will ensure your home is safe from harmful germs yet suitable to allow their immune systems to develop properly.
  • Your twins are fascinated by everything that’s going on around them, and attracting their attention while feeding and changing may be difficult. If feedings are taking too long, move to a quiet room with fewer distractions.
  • If one or both twins are suffering from diarrhea or being fussy at feedings, it’s possible they have an allergy to their formula or to something you’re eating (if you’re breastfeeding). Talk to your doctor about this. They may be able to prescribe a special formula (which may be covered by insurance.)
  • Now is a good time to start a bedtime routine. A bath, a book, a feeding, a lullaby, and down to sleep is a great routine. This pattern will cue your babies to learn that “bedtime” is starting. Do the same thing every night and they’ll start to catch on to your cues. Learn more about bedtime routines here.
  • Babies’ skin is thinner, more sensitive, and less oily than adults’ skin which makes it prone to drying out. If your babies’ skin is dry, try not to bathe them too often (every 3-4 days is fine) and avoid using soap or bubble bath. Plain warm water or a drop of hypoallergenic baby bath is enough.
  • Your babies should be placed to sleep on their backs on a firm, flat surface with only a tightly-fitted crib sheet. No blanket, no toys, no bumpers, no flat sheets. You baby should wear a swaddle blanket or wearable blanket for warmth and comfort. Do not sleep your babies on an inclined surface (learn why here). Following these recommendations will greatly reduce the risk of SIDS and accidental suffocation. Learn more about SIDS here.
  • Dress your twins in a swaddle blanket for sleep, which will keep them warm and safe in the crib while providing the comfort and security of the swaddle. Once they start rolling you’ll transition to sleep sacks. Learn more about swaddling here
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends babies get doctor checkups at birth, 3 to 5 days after birth and then at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24 months. Reminder that twins = two co-pays for each doctor’s visit.
  • If you haven’t already tried pacifiers and your twins are screaming their heads off, now is a great time to start! Pacifiers are a lifesaver for parents of twins because we can’t keep everyone happy all the time. Someone will always have to wait and a pacifier can help keep your waiting baby calm. Read about pacifiers here.
  • Have you started leaving the house at least once a day with your twins? If not, make it a goal for this week. You don’t have to go far — around the block is enough. This will do wonders for your mental state! Learn about getting out of the house with twins here
  • If you haven’t already started, now is the time to start baby proofing! Once your twins start crawling you will thank us! You’ll want to baby proof every room in your house but each room will need a different variety of babyproofing tools. If you’re not a handy person you may want to hire a professional babyproofer to come in and set you up. Read about making your home more safe here.
  • Are you going back to work soon? If you need to hire a nanny, we recommend giving yourself 2 months lead time. Read about doing a nanny search here.
  • At this point, if you’re feeling anxious or depressed on a daily basis, you may be suffering from postpartum depression or anxiety. These conditions are more common with moms of twins and you have nothing to be ashamed of. Take it from us — we have been there!! Call you doctor or therapist and make an appointment to be seen. There are psychologists that specialize in postpartum mood disorders — call your medical insurance and ask for a list of providers in your network.
  • You are likely feeling exhausted, downtrodden, and though your body has taken a beating. This is very common with new twin moms. Try to be realistic about getting back to your “pre-babies body”. We recommend taking things slow and giving your body a full year to find it’s new “normal”. That doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthy and exercise (once you have your doctor’s blessing). But if you’re having a hard time finding the motivation to do so, it’s because you JUST HAD TWINS. Give yourself an extra helping of grace and be patient. You will get there. Just not as quickly as your friends who had one baby at a time.
  • If you feel like your pelvic floor is “falling out” give your doctor a call. This isn’t very common but you may be suffering from uterine prolapse. Read about uterine prolapse here.
  • If you feel like you still look pregnant, it could be diastasis recti, which is common with twin pregnancies. Read about diastasic recti here.
  • If you haven’t already, look into joining a local moms of multiples club (aka twin club). Read about local twin clubs here
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Common Concerns From the Moms Who Have Been There With Twins Week 12

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Subscribe for FREE to the Twins Tale podcast!

The Twins Tale Podcast by Twiniversity is an intimate look into the lives of twin parents and their twins at all ages and stages, from birth through college. We interview twin parents in the trenches and ask all the burning questions you want to know about raising twins: schedules that work, feeding your twins, getting out of the house, finding sanity, and so much more. Subscribe for FREE today!

Milestones & Developmental Leaps Parents Have Noticed With Twins Week 12

What’s going on with development in twins week 12?

  • Your twins may be smiling and giggling with a greater frequency this week as they become more aware and curious of their surroundings.
  • Your twins may begin to roll from front to back this week, but many babies don’t start this until around 4 months old. When you notice they are starting to roll you should transition them out of a swaddle and into a sleep sack (this one is great for transitioning)
  • Your babies body movements are becoming smotther and seemigly more purposeful as they gain more control over their muslces.
  • This is the age when many infants begin to recognize repetition. Change it up to keep them entertained.
  • Your twins may be able to sleep for longer stretches at night. You could be getting up to 6 hours of consecutive sleep a night! Check with your pediatrician to see if you need to stick to a strict feeding schedule overnight or if you can wait until one baby wakes up to start the next feeding. It may be too soon to start doing this if your babies don’t yet weigh enough (but keep asking.)
  • You may see your twins bringing their hands and feet to their mouth often. They are just realizing they can do this.
  • You babies may begin to interact with their toys more this week. They are finally noticing them and their curiosity is running wild. They will likely swipe and kick at their toys.
  • Your twins are not ready for sleep training. Please don’t try this before 12 weeks old.
  • You may notice your twins mouthing as if they are speaking when you are speaking to them. They are trying to mimic your movements to practice.
  • Your babies will start to mimic your facial expressions.
  • Your twins will begin grasping objects and maybe even your hands and clothes.
  • Your twins will feel objects in their hands without always grabbing them.
  • You may see (and hear) your twins attempting to mimic sounds you are making at them or making cooing noises, as if they are practicing communication skills. Talk to them often so they can practice.
  • Your twins curiosity has them demanding to sit up and look around more often this week.
  • Your babies may start to notice each other. It’s a common misconception that newborn twins know they are a twin. They don’t! They are in their own little world and most babies don’t notice their twin is even there for a while. But once they do — look out! You’ll be snapping photos left and right of all the cute twinnie moments!
  • You may notice it’s getting easier to bottle feed them at the same time. Doing tandem bottle feedings will really cut down your feeding times, so if you gave up on this before give it another try now that they are both a bit more stable.

Challenges You Might Experience With Twins Week 12

There are some challenges to look out for with twins week 12

Twins week 11 and 12
12 week old twins

Tips from Parents of Twins Week 12

Take some tips from experienced twin parents!

  1. Sell/donate/box up and store old items quickly to avoid clutter
  2. Sit the babies up to look around if they’re fussy
  3. Find twin mom support in your area or even online – Check out our twin parent mentor program here
  4. Self-care is important – Read about the warning signs that you’re not taking care of yourself
  5. Meal prep when babies are sleeping or when you can get help for an afternoon
  6. Track feedings and diaper changes to help you stay on a schedule. Click here for a printable twins daily log.

Personal Advice from Parents of Twins Week 12

“Maintain a schedule as best you can. Love on those babies. Sleep when you can. Don’t forget to eat. Baby wear! Enforce your boundaires with friends and even family.”

Tamie E.

“I’m a single mother of twins and this week they’ve been very alert and loving looking around the room and outside. Getting them in the side by side stroller and taking a walk (weather permitting) has been a nice break from me holding them and they love the scenery and fresh air. Accept help and take a break whenever possible. I love them so much but sometimes I just need 5 minutes to breathe.”

Emma L.

“Enjoy this phase. They are getting bigger and more fun. Things will only get more interesting as they get older. Hold them when you can but don’t beat yourself up when you can’t. Aim to get out of the house at least a few times a week, even if you just take them on a walk in a stroller. It will make you feel good and they will love the air and change of pace.”

Brooke D.

12 Ways to Capture Twin Milestones

The First Year with Twins Week 12

Got twins? Us too! The Twiniversity Podcast with Natalie Diaz was created BY parents of twins FOR parents of twins, from your pregnancy days through your twin’s teenage years, this podcast covers it all. It’s all about parenting twins, offering plenty of strategies for making life better, parenting hacks, and, of course, humor. We are laughing WITH you every step of the way.

Questions You Might Have for Your Pediatrician About Your Twins Week 12

Click here for a printable list of doctor questions for twins week 12

  • What can I do for my twins’ reflux?
  • When can we sleep train?
  • Could they be teething already?
  • When can we skip or stretch out the night feeds?
  • When should we worry about head shape?

You Might Want These Items for Your Twins Week 12

You Might Want These Items for Yourself

  • Shadow boxes for hospital keepsakes (buy on Amazon)
  • Twins monthly milestone baby blanket (buy on Amazon)
  • Milestone baby photo cards (buy on Amazon)
  • Self-care items such as makeup, hair products, new clothes, or anything to make you feel human again

Daily Schedule Sample for Twins Week 12

A schedule with twins week 12 is key! Schedules keep you organized. Let’s just say that the importance of organization when you are outnumbered by twins simply cannot be overstated now that the twins are becoming more alert and demanding of your time and attention.

If your doctor has approved for you to switch to an every 4 hour schedule (only 6 feedings per day), here is what that will look like:

  • 7 am feed
  • 8 am tummy time and play
  • 9 am nap
  • 10 am wake and play
  • 11 pm feed
  • 12 pm tummy time and play
  • 1 pm nap
  • 2 pm wake and play
  • 3 pm feed
  • 4 pm tummy time and play
  • 5 pm nap
  • 6 pm wake, bath, and book
  • 7 pm feed and down for the night
  • 11 pm feed and back to bed
  • 3 am feed and back to bed

At some point (hopefully soon!) you’ll be able to stop feeding on a schedule overnight and just feed your babies together when one of them wakes up. This will allow you to get MUCH more sleep and just feel better overall. Ask your doctor when you can start doing this! Even if the answer is no for now, hang in there. It will happen and when it does it will be glorious!

The key to twins is sticking to your schedule, while realizing that things WILL come up to change the schedule. Take it all one feeding at a time. If one twin wakes up to eat, wake the other and feed them together.

Always keep the twins feeding together to make sure you get breaks. If they are on opposite feeding schedules, you will never get a break — and you deserve one!

Sleep Regressions: A Tired Twin Mom’s Advice

Sleep Advice From the Sleep Lady

Infants are notorious for interrupted sleep. Come to think of it, why do people say they slept like a baby? That sounds dreadful to me!

If you feel like your twins may never get the hang of consistently sleeping through the night and napping, you aren’t alone. You might be wondering when things get easier in the sleep department. Perhaps your little bundles of joy lulled you into a false sense of security and slept through 2 whole night in a row and then, BAM! Up all night long the third night. It’s all part of the process and those restful(ish) night are coming again!

There are some things you can do to help get some shut eye for you and your twins, and ensure some good sleep patterns for you all to enjoy for years to come.

The Sleep Lady, Kim West, LCSW-C says: “Dutch researchers Vanderijt and Plooij published a book, “The Wonder Weeks,” entirely about these periods of regressions and growth. According to their research, growth spurts occur at weeks 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 37, 46, and 55. That’s a lot of growth spurts!

Babies may experience sleep regressions starting around 3 to 4 months, again at 8 to 10 months, 12 months, at 18 months, and again at 2 years; the most common sleep regressions occur at 6 weeks, 4 months, and 6 months. It is fairly uncommon for a baby or toddler to have a full-blown sleep regression with every developmental milestone.”

See more of what The Sleep Lady Recommends about your newborn twins’ sleep here.

When to Call the Doctor

It’s better to overreact 100% of the time than to underreact once.

Natalie Diaz, Twiniversity Founder and Mom of Twins

All content on this website, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

When it comes to calling your doctor or seeking medical advice, you have to learn to trust yourself. When in doubt, call. The thing is, a good pediatrician will NEVER make you feel stupid for being concerned about your twins well-being. Remember that and hire and fire accordingly.

That being said, there are a few guidelines to follow.  There are a few circumstances under which you should call your doctor and get medical advice, or even call 911.  When you call you should have a pen and paper handy and be prepared to give the following information over the phone:

  • Immunization records
  • Any medications, dosages, and times last taken (even over the counter drugs)
  • Medical history
  • Your baby’s temperature
  • Mention that the baby is a twin, in case of a contagious illness

Any time you see the following symptoms with your twins you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

  • Blood in vomit 
  • Blood in stool
  • Seizure
  • Suspected poisoning
  • Bleeding you cannot stop
  • Unable to move
  • Limpness
  • A rectal temperature of 100.4 or above
  • Sleeps more than usual or will not wake up
  • Yellow skin or eyes

Call your doctor as soon as possible if one or both of your twins experiences any of the following.

  • Refusal to eat for multiple feedings in a row
  • Diarrhea or vomiting 
  • A cold that will not resolve itself or gets worse
  • Unexplained rash
  • Signs of dehydration (no tears, no wet diapers, sunken eyes, sunken soft spot)
  • Ear drainage
  • Will not stop crying

When to Call 911

Please note that when you call 911, you and your baby will be taken to the nearest emergency room. This may or may not be located at your preferred hospital.

  • Your baby is turning blue or taking more than 60 breaths per minute
  • Your baby has a seizure which lasts more than 3 minutes or you cannot reach their doctor by phone immediately
  • Suffers from convulsions, unconsciousness, or irregular breathing following a fall or from bleeding
  • You think your baby may have a skull, neck, back, or pelvic fracture (DON’T move your baby)
  • Your baby suffers from a compound fracture where bone is sticking out from the skin (cover it with a clean cloth and do not touch it)
  • Your baby has bleeding you cannot stop after applying pressure for 10 minutes

Again, learn to trust your gut.  When in doubt, call and see what your doctor thinks.  That’s what they’re there for.

What You Should Read for Twins Week 12

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Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit to join today!

Don’t Forget to Do These Things With Twins Week 12

You might feel like you’re starting to get your bearings with twins week 12. It’s getting a little better each week with regards to sleep and routine, and will continue to. We promise! We have put together a short list of a few things to remember that might help you out a bit.

  • Take pictures and keep a memory book/box! These moments are passing so quickly and you are so busy and tired that you really need to keep a record of these moments to prove to yourself that they really did happen!
  • Keep your own mental and physical health in check! You can’t pour from an empty cup! Be sure to eat and drink plenty of water. You’re no good to your babies if you aren’t well. Make sure you talk to someone about how you are feeling when you are overwhelmed. Your partner, spouse, or a good friend might be a good start, but keep your doctor in mind if you feel you’re in over your head. Postpartum hormones are no joke!
  • Keep in close communication with your pediatrician. Keep a running list of questions or concerns so you don’t forget to bring it up at the next appointment. Call the office anytime you feel the need to ask more pressing questions. If the staff at the office makes you feel guilty about this, it’s time to find a new provider.
  • Teamwork makes the dream work! Burn out is real and it happens faster than you might think with twins! When it becomes too much, lean on your partner and tag them in for a bit. Take a breather and go back in as a team.

An excerpt from Twiniversity founder Natalie Diaz’s book, “What To Do When You’re Having TwoBUY THE BOOK

Enjoying some one-on-one time during your twin’s first few months will also help you realize that your twins can thrive while being separated form each other.  Infants are individuals first and twins second, something that is important for all of you to honor throughout their lives. Start putting this perspective into practice early on by bonding with them as individuals.

Here are some easy and fun things that you can do with your one-on-one twin time.  To make the most of these moments and create priceless memories, no texting or talking on the phone is allowed during these activities! 

  • Cherish bath time when you bathe each of the babies separately – you can’t beat this precious bonding time.
  • Take one baby out with you for a walk in the single stroller or baby carrier.
  • Take each of the twins separately for doctor’s appointments.
  • Bring them to a play group or new mom’s group on opposite days.
  • Play with one baby alone at the park or push one baby in the baby swings at the playground.

Photos of Twins Week 12

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