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5 Things to Do with Your Twins This Year

5 Things to Do with Your Twins This Year

5 Things to do with Twins this Year

Last updated on May 7th, 2024 at 08:50 am

As a parent of twins, every year brings new opportunities for growth, connection, and unforgettable moments. In 2024, make it your mission to enrich your twins’ lives with a blend of individualized attention, financial education, shared nostalgia, personalized interests, and exciting family adventures. Here are 5 must-do things to do with your twins this year!

5 things to do with your twins this year

1. Quality One-on-One Time

Why It Matters

Imagine your twins as little universes, each with its own constellations of dreams, quirks, and cool stuff. By hanging out one-on-one with each kiddo, you’re like their personal tour guide, discovering all those fantastic details that make them who they are.

In the midst of our crazy daily routines, these solo moments become the secret sauce for building a rock-solid bond. Whether it’s diving into shared hobbies, having deep heart-to-hearts, or just chilling together, these are the times when trust and connection go into superhero mode.

Introduce your twins to things that you love to do.


One-on-one time allows you to customize the experience based on what each twin loves. Creative projects, concerts, or even wild adventures – it’s all about embracing their interests and watching them shine.

This isn’t just about the here and now; it’s an investment in the future. The memories you make during these special times become a safety net, a go-to source of comfort, guidance, and all-around warm fuzzies as your twins grow up and tackle life.

So, think of quality one-on-one time as things to do with your twins while shaping them into confident, awesome individuals. It’s not just a routine; it’s your ticket to a legacy of love, understanding, and a treasure trove of awesome memories.

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2. Open a Bank Account for Each Twin

Why It Matters

Opening a bank account for your twins from an early age is not just about money; it’s like giving them a golden ticket to adulting early on. We’re talking about setting them up for a future where they handle money like pros.

When opening a bank account for your child, there are several factors to consider to ensure it aligns with your family’s needs and provides a positive financial experience for your child. Here’s a checklist of things to look for:

5 Things to Do with Your Twins This Year
  • Age Eligibility: Confirm the minimum age requirements for opening an account for your child. Some banks offer accounts specifically designed for minors, with options for even the youngest savers.
  • Fees and Charges: Check for any fees associated with the account. Many banks offer accounts for children with no monthly fees, but it’s essential to be aware of any charges for specific transactions or services.
  • Interest Rates: Look for accounts that offer competitive interest rates. While interest rates for children’s accounts may not be as high as those for adult accounts, it’s still beneficial for the child’s savings to earn some interest.
  • Accessibility: Consider the accessibility of the account. Some banks offer online banking tools and mobile apps specifically designed for parents to monitor and manage their child’s account easily.
  • Parental Controls: Check if the bank provides parental controls or oversight features. This can include setting spending limits, receiving alerts for transactions, and having the ability to monitor account activity.
  • Educational Tools: Some banks offer educational tools to help teach children about money management. Look for features that promote financial literacy, such as interactive apps, savings goals trackers, or educational materials.
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  • Debit Card Options: Check if the account has a debit card option. Having a debit card can be a valuable tool for older children to learn about responsible spending and managing their money.
  • Minimum Balance Requirements: Ensure that the account does not have prohibitive minimum balance requirements. Children’s accounts should be accessible and not impose strict conditions for maintaining a balance.
  • Branch Locations and ATMs: Consider the availability of branch locations and ATMs, especially if you prefer a bank with a physical presence. Some banks may have partnerships with ATM networks to provide fee-free withdrawals.
  • Joint Account Options: Investigate whether the account allows joint ownership with a parent or guardian. Joint ownership can facilitate the management of the account and enhance parental control.
5 things to do with your twins including one-on-one time.
  • Transition to Teen Accounts: Look into the bank’s policies regarding transitioning the child’s account to a teen or young adult account when they reach the appropriate age. Understanding this process in advance can help with long-term planning.

Now, here’s the fun part. Sit down with your twins and discuss what they want to save for. Whether it’s a cool toy, a future adventure, or just the joy of watching their savings grow, this is their chance to dream big. Setting savings goals turns this into a cool game – and bonus, it’s a lesson in patience, too!


Opening those bank accounts isn’t just about dollars and cents; it’s a masterclass in real-life skills. Your twins are getting a VIP pass to the world of financial literacy – understanding the ins and outs of money. Plus, they’re becoming goal-setting whizzes, setting the stage for a future where they know how to save up for what matters. Talk about an investment that pays off big time!

3. Watch Picture Slideshows and Videos Together

Why It Matters

We all know the magic that movies possess! But when your twins are the lead actors, it takes on a whole new level of magic! Right now, I have 796 videos on my phone, and I guarantee 700 of them are of my kids. Take the time to sit down with your twins and watch those videos, live images, or even just a still photo slide show. It’s not just a movie night; it’s a celebration of the beautiful chaos, the belly laughs, and the incredible journey that is your family’s story. Lights, camera, action – the real-life blockbuster is about to begin!

Watch home-made videos with your children


Watching family videos with your twins is more than just a delightful experience – it’s a powerful way to strengthen family bonds. By revisiting shared memories, you deepen your connection, reinforce your unique family history, and create opportunities for open conversations. Watching home videos (even if they are just on your phone) is an awesome thing to do with your twins that nurtures nostalgia, shared laughter, and joy. Plus, it contributes to a positive family culture.

This activity builds traditions, encourages positive reflection, and fosters a sense of identity for your twins. Ultimately, it’s a journey that promotes emotional well-being and creates lasting memories, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary family stories.

4. Introduce Your Kids to Something You Enjoy

Why It Matters

Engaging in hobbies together introduces new skills, encourages curiosity, and promotes the positive use of leisure time. This shared experience contributes to your family’s narrative and supports the emotional and educational development of your kids. Ultimately, it’s an investment in quality time and meaningful connections.

Introduce your twins to a hobby your enjoy


Sharing your hobbies with your young kids is a fantastic way to strengthen your bond, create lasting memories, and set a positive example. When you allow your twins to see your passion, it fosters shared interests, provides educational opportunities, and enhances communication within the family.

5. Selfie Scavenger Hunt

Why It Matters

A selfie scavenger hunt is a modern, tech-powered adventure that’s all about having a blast together. It’s not just about finding treasures; it’s about capturing moments and creating memories that you can look at for years to come.

Creating a selfie scavenger hunt is as easy; the internet is a treasure trove of instant ideas. Start by deciding where the adventure unfolds. A local park, a historic site, or a charming town – the possibilities are endless. Once you’ve chosen your location, it’s time to let the internet work its magic. With your checklist in hand, you’re all set for an effortless and exciting photo scavenger hunt.

Do a selfie scavenger hunt with your twins.


A selfie scavenger hunt with your family is a blast! This engaging activity provides quality family time, enhances problem-solving skills, and brings joy by discovering unique moments. Plus, it’s another opportunity to engage in a family slide show! 

Let the internet be your guide, and get ready for a day filled with snapshots of joy, laughter, and exploration. Adventure awaits, and it’s only a search away!

As you enter 2024, consider incorporating these 5 things to do with your twins. They promise to add joy, foster connection, and create shared experiences. Embrace the uniqueness of each twin, celebrate their individuality, and seize the precious moments that unfold during various family adventures. Whether it’s spending quality time together, introducing financial education, or planning exciting day trips, this year presents opportunities to build heartwarming memories for you and your twinnies!

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Written by: Amanda Hadley
Twiniversity Staff Writer

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