Here you’ll find tons of resources, recommendations, and help to assist in parenting your multiples that are all Twiniversity Approved!
Twin Pregnancy Support
- Twin Pregnancy Facebook Group – moderated by Twiniversity
- Twiniversity Membership – Zoom twin club, access to a private Facebook group, and more
- Twin Pregnancy App
Twin Parenting Support
- Twiniversity Membership – Zoom twin club, access to a private Facebook group, and more
- Twins Post-Delivery Strategy Session with a Postpartum Doula
- Twins Lactation Counseling with a Certified Lactation Counselor
- Twin Parent Coaching Session
- Twin Parenting App
Breastfeeding Guidance and Supplies
- Book a 1-hour virtual lactation consultation with Natalie Diaz, certified lactation counselor and Twiniversity founder.
- La Leche League: The world leader in breastfeeding support 800-LALECHE (525-3243)
- Similac: They have a 24/7 hotline to answer all your breastfeeding questions. 1-800-232-7677
Finding a Doula
- Book a 1-hour virtual twins post-delivery strategy session with Lauren Oak, certified postpartum doula and twin mom, to get a plan in place for your first week home with twins
- Visit to find a local prenatal or postpartum doula
Safety Training
- Take the Twiniversity Complete Baby Safety Course offered on-demand 24/7 to learn CPR, first aid, car seat safety, and childproofing
- Little Hearts CPR: NYC’s premier location for twin parents to learn CPR and important baby safety information
- First Candle – First Candle is committed to the elimination of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death and preventable Stillbirths through education and research while providing support for grieving families who have suffered a loss.
- The Car Seat Lady: The Car Seat Lady provides accurate, up-to-date information from NHTSA-Certified Child Passenger Safety technicians and instructors about how to keep your most precious cargo safe.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: For information on traveling safely with your children in the car.
Dads Group
- NYC Dads Group is a diverse community of more than 3,500 fathers in and around the country that gives male parents an opportunity to socialize and support each other as they navigate parenthood together.
Higher Order Multiples Support
- MOST: Mothers of Super Twins
Loss of a Multiple/Bereavement
- Twinless Twins: Twinless Twins Support Group, International (TTSGI) exists to provide a safe and compassionate community for twinless twins to experience healing and understanding. We provide support for twins and other multiples who have lost their twin due to death or estrangement at any age.
- First Candle: Support for families with children who died of SIDS or stillbirth. They also have a stillbirth support group and a grief hotline to call at 1-800-221-7437.
- The Day Between: a book about TTTS and the loss of one twin:
- Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep: Free remembrance photography for parents suffering the loss of a baby.
Products for Twins and Multiples
- Check out our updated list of Multiple Birth Discounts!
Single Parents
- Parents without Partners: The largest international, nonprofit membership organization devoted to the welfare and interests of single parents and their children.
Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- Fetal Health Foundation: The Fetal Health Foundation’s mission is to provide support, provide information, fund research, increase awareness and be an outlet for leading medical information pertaining to fetal syndromes. We are all about arming families and healthcare providers with information and helping to save babies’ lives.
- TTTS Foundation: A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing immediate and lifesaving educational, emotional and financial support to families, medical professionals, and other caregivers before, during and after a diagnosis of twin to twin transfusion syndrome.
- TAPS Support Foundation: The TAPS Support Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to changing the way monochorionic twin pregnancies are diagnosed, handled, and treated, as well as raising the profile of Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS).
Preemie Support
- Grahams Foundation: A global organization for parents going through the journey of prematurity. Graham’s Foundation offers resources, programs, and connections so parents are supported, empowered and hopeful throughout their journey.
- March of Dimes: March of Dimes helps moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of babies.
- Check out our NICU Resource for Parents of Multiples page for tips, advice, and support on having twins or more in the NICU!
Cord Blood Banking
- Cord Blood Registry: CBR has banked more stem cells than any other family bank and has the most experience helping families use their cord blood for medical treatments. Use the code DUO2 for special twins pricing through Twiniversity.
Mental Health Services/ Postpartum Mood Disorders
- Postpartum Support International: The purpose of the organization is to increase awareness among public and professional communities about the emotional changes that women experience during pregnancy and postpartum.
- BetterHelp offers access to licensed, trained, experienced, and accredited psychologists (PhD / PsyD), marriage and family therapists (LMFT), clinical social workers (LCSW / LMSW), and board licensed professional counselors (LPC) through phone, email, live chats, and video conferencing.
Twins Through Surrogacy
- Check out our Surrogacy with Twins page to find tips, advice, and support on your twins pregnancy through a gestational carrier!
Genetic Testing
Baby Gear Reviews
Also be sure to visit our Expecting Twins page to find TONS of tips, advice, and downloads!