- The Bestselling Author of What To Do When You’re Having Two and The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide
- A Childbirth Educator
- A Parenting Advocate
- A Certified Lactation Consultant
- A Child Passenger Safety Technician
- An Award Winning Podcaster
- Globally recognized twin parenting expert
Now reaching 2 million families a year in over 150 countries, Twiniversity.com is the largest global resource for all things “twinnie”. With worldwide recognition in her field, Natalie Diaz brings her twin parenting expertise to our online resource, our parent to parent mentorship program, our live and online expecting twins classes, our social media channels, and her bestselling book “What To Do When You’re Having Two“, a bestseller on Amazon for Twins & Multiples Parenting.
Reaching over a half a million families a week through Twiniversity’s social media channels, she takes her Women In Toys Wonder Woman Award Nomination for Social Media Influencer very seriously. Moms and dads of twins flock to Twiniversity’s social media channels to find resources, ask questions, explore new products, and find community and support from other twin parents. Natalie is a true connector, bringing parents from all walks of life together, breaking past cultural differences, to share in the highs and lows of parenting twins.
Twiniversity founder Natalie Diaz has been featured in magazines, newspapers, radio, television and of course, the web. She speaks on topics such as running your local twins club, keeping your marriage strong with multiples, balancing your life and your children’s lives, influencer marketing, niche marketing, and succeeding as an entrepreneur, among many others.
Contact Natalie Diaz at Natalie@Twiniversity.com or call 917.442.2020.