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The #1 Resource & Support Network for Parents of Twins

Baby Basics: Coming Home With Twins

Baby Basics: Coming Home With Twins

baby basics bringing twins home

Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 10:46 pm

The babies are here!

The nursery is beautifully decorated.  The home is organized.  Extra hands are at the ready and meals are frozen just waiting to be devoured.

As you depart the hospital with your beautiful babies the panic sets in.

Now what?

baby basics

How am I going to get through the first few days at home??

Well, after speaking to over 80 moms, I’ve compiled a list of the most common survival tips.

  1. BREATHE! Don’t forget to breathe – you are a mom now and they adore you already!
  2. SLEEP when they sleep.  I hated when people gave me that advice, but the second time around (yes, my 2nd pair of twins) I am definitely doing that!  I realize the importance; even if I just lay down.  If you are not rested then the stress builds and you can’t enjoy your precious new babies.
  3. KNOW that it will get easier. It will!
  4. SCHEDULE: this is more long term.  In those first few days you are just trying to get through the day but keep in mind that a working schedule is key to surviving multiples.
  5. LISTEN to the baby.  If she is crying she needs you; feed her, change her or help her get to sleep.
  6. ORGANIZE: whether you have a list printed out or keep everything in a basket; keep together all the items you NEED – burp cloths, nose spray, nose sucker, diapers, wipes etc. Don’t set yourself up to fail because you can’t find your essentials.
  7. ACCEPT help from whomever, whenever they offer but don’t entertain – be strong enough to ask them to leave.
  8. ASK for help. Whether you need help watching the babies, or because you need someone to talk to because you just don’t feel attached or you are sad.  Being a first time mother can be very overwhelming and these are very normal feelings so reach out.
  9. CHART each baby’s feeding and urine/bowel movements so you know if each baby is eating enough, going enough, and is well hydrated.  This will also help find a pattern for when you are ready to start a schedule.
  10. FOCUS on you and the babies.  Get to know them!
baby basics twins
Photo courtesy of Twinzzshop

As difficult as it is to hear, these are the moments to bond with your babies – not clean the house, write thank yous, and host dinner parties.  When you feel overwhelmed it is OK to let them cry until you can regroup. If you need a moment, put them in their cribs and take a break so you can come back in a few minutes with a clear head.

Part of the challenge (and fun) is getting acquainted with your new loves and life.  In a few months you will be the master, giving out wonderful advice to new mothers of multiples!  Enjoy!

 *Find more Baby Basics here.*

Kerry Bergeman

Kerry Bergeman is the founder and the mastermind behind peek at my life as a Mother of fraternal AND identical twins! Kerry is a full-time stay at home mother of six year old fraternal twin girls and one year old identical twin girls. She also teaches part-time at the local community college and runs Mommies of Multiples on Facebook (a group dedicated to helping moms of multiples with their daily questions and concerns). Her blog, New2Two is about life with twins, dealing with infertility, raising awareness for bully prevention and the challenges of having a daughter with a severe intolerance to dairy. What does she do on her time off? She is the Brand Ambassador of the Twingaroo twin carrier- the first and only ergonomic twin carrier that features a built in diaper bag (yes, that’s her on the box)! She sells Usborne Books to help encourage all to read! She’s bringing the book back one kid at a time!

Top photo courtesy of Kristin Staples Photography in Salisbury, MD

Last photo courtesy of Twinzzshop.

Are You a New Twin Parent?

Check out Natalie Diaz’s book:
What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year

what to do when you're having two book

In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.

Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
 is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.

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Have you taken your expecting twins class yet? We offer a great class on demand so you can take it on your own schedule! There are so many video modules covering everything from your twins’ baby registry to your first week at home with twins! Sign up today to get started before your twins arrive.

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