Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 11:31 pm
Did you know you can get a Free Breast Pump through insurance? Some hospitals consider breast milk “medically necessary” for your premature or medically compromised kiddos therefore requiring you to purchase a breast pump!

Here Are a Few Things You Need to Do if You Think You Might Qualify to Get Your Free Breast Pump
Call/Read Your Policy
Read through your policy or call the insurance company before you EVEN have your multiples. While you’re on the phone, ask if your coverage will include a visit from a lactation consultant as well. Some policies have one (or more) visit(s) built in to every delivery.
Check Your Insurance Company’s Rules
What are the conditions which need to be present in order to get the pump covered. Do you need prior authorization before buying the pump? Will there be a co-pay? Do you need to meet a deducible first?
What Exactly Is Covered?
Will your insurance cover the entire cost of the pump? Will they only cover a rental? Are you limited to brand or type? What is the maximum amount they will cover? With pumps costing upwards of $300 will they cover the WHOLE amount WITH accessories?
When Submitting Your Claim, You Will Often Need a Medical Code to Include
Occasionally the desk in the nursery, or NICU, will have a pre-formatted letter for you to submit. Put asking about this on your “To-Do” list while still in the hospital or inquire about it if/when you take your hospital tour.
If you are submitting the form yourself, here is a list of common medical codes which may help you get your pump covered.

Medical Issue | Code |
Child Cleft Palate/Lip | 749 |
Abnormal Tongue Position | 750.1 |
Down’s Syndrome | 758 |
Neonatal Candida Infection | 771.7 |
Breastmilk Jaundice | 774.39 |
Other Transitory Neonatal | 775.5 |
Feeding Problems in Newborn | 779.3 |
Abnormal Loss of Weight | 783.2 |
Feeding Difficulty – Infant | 783.3 |
Failure to Thrive | 784.4 |
Dysphagia | 787.2 |
Suck Reflex Abnormal | 796.1 |
Mother Twin Pregnancy Post-partum Condition or Complication | 651.04 |
Abscess of Nipple | 675.03 |
Infections of Nipple | 675.04 |
Abscess of Breast | 675.1 |
Nonpurulent Mastitis | 675.2 |
Other Specified Infection of Breast and Nipple | 675.8 |
Unspecified Infection of the Breast and Nipple | 675.9 |
Retracted Nipple | 676 |
Cracked Nipple | 676.1 |
Engorgement of Breasts | 676.2 |
Other and Unspecified Disorder of Breast | 676.3 |
Suppressed Lactation | 676.5 |
Other Disorders of Lactation | 676.8 |
Unspecified Disorder of Lactation | 676.9 |
Dermatitis Contact | 692 |
Good luck! We hope you have great success in getting your breast pump covered.