Last updated on May 14th, 2022 at 05:57 pm
Happy Mother’s Day, twin mamas!
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and we wanted to formally wish this amazing community a very Happy Mother’s Day! We want to honor all the amazing twin mom’s in this community.
When we sat around as a team in our weekly meeting recently we decided that the best way to honor this wonderful community would be to share what you all (and us, too) call the best part of being a mom.
Without further ado, here is what our Twiniversity fans have to say about being a twin mom this Mother’s Day.

“Having the opportunity to see my girls growing up together and seeing how they love each other. It’s such a blessing to be a twin mom! The hard days can’t compare to the double snuggles, double kisses, and double the hugs. Twins are a blessing, what a joy it is to be a twin mama!” Ashley T.
“Their love for each other.” Anna S.
“Our garbage is stacked with the stinkiest diapers, our living room is covered in a thousand toys, but our home is filled with contagious laughter and I wouldn’t have it any other way!” – Ashley A.
“When they laugh. It fills me with absolute joy. Especially if they’ve set one another off and just can’t stop laughing. They are 7 now and this is something that makes me smile.” Becca W.
“When they stare at me, play together, and giggle with each other makes me happy.” Nafia M.
“Watching the special connection between them. It has to be such a unique experience to grow up with a sibling that is the exact same age. They may fight sometimes but they really are best friends.” Heather S.
“Watching them play together with their older brother. There is never a quiet moment. They are 20 months old and still love to curl up together on my chest.” Annmarie S.
“Watching them learn and grow together. They learn how to resolve conflict with each other. They help each other when one doesn’t know or understand something. I realize all siblings can do this but twins have a special connection and ability to understand each other. They each have their own strengths. Plus, they are best friends! I love to see that!” Sarah C.
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit to join today!
Happy Mother’s Day! We hope some of these bring a smile to your face.
“I have older kids (singletons) in high school and 5-year-old twins. I love how if either one of them gets a bad idea it always seems like a great idea to the other twin. Lots of creative messes! There is no sibling tattling “I’m gonna tell Mom”. It’s teamwork at its’ best.” Sandy M.
“The pride. The confidence, the strength of knowing I’m doing this when I definitely thought I couldn’t. The love I have for all my children for making me as strong as I am today.” Jamie F.
“The giggles, I love listening to my 3yo boys laughing together as they play and just listening to their conversations and how they speak to one another. So caring towards the other twin. A bond I will never truly understand but I love watching it flourish.” Amy M.
“Seeing them love each other and take care of each other. One of my twins has a heart defect and Cerebral Palsy and her sister takes care of her and worries about her all the time.” Heather V.
“Cuddles and giggles! There is just so much love that they have and so many giggles that it’s 100% my favorite part. When they giggle in sync it’s even better! Also seeing their twin bond and love for each other. One twin coughs and the other asks if she’s ok. If one falls, the other usually helps her up or gives kisses and hugs. It’s not sweetness all the time, but when it is it’s pure adorableness” Jessica Q.
“Their unique bond. They fight like all siblings but are connected in ways singletons just don’t have. Even though they are adults they still look out for each other and are empathetic towards one another.” Shawnna B.

“When they fight, it’s hard. But when they’re playing and loving and caring for each other, it’s the best!! I’m always so proud of them!“ Jenifer G.
“Watching their unique bond compared to our other three singletons. The idea of never being alone and considering yourself a “we” is fascinating and precious to me. As a mom of five, I can’t get enough of how cool they are.” Erin L.
“Always having a best friend & playmate. The bond they share & never knowing what it’s like to be alone! Teaching staff have always told me my two don’t always want each other but they often need each other” Amy N.
“Watching their bond grow over the years has been an amazing sight to watch. But they are also my tiny heros and even when I’m frustrated I see tiny miracles looking back at me and it makes me love them that much all over again.” Christine V.
“Since my twins are now 14 it’s seeing the bond they have and how my son is always looking out for his sister the amazing thing is they are so different but so much alike in so many ways.” Chelsea H.
“Although my B/G twins are only coming onto 3 months old, watching them interact with each other and seeing the bond they already have amazes me every day. They look for each other, they can’t sleep without each other, they smile and do their best to giggle at each other. I love the way they love each other.” Kieara T.
“The unconditional love they have for each other! It is so special and like no other love I have witnessed!” Jessi L.
“My favorite part of being a twin mom is when they both laugh and it sounds like surround sound.” Melodie B.
“I wanted twins since I was like 5 years old when I found out my grandfather was a twin .. they run on both sides of my family. Also happy that none of my kids were ever an only child since the twins were my first. I’m an only child and hate it.” Jenny B.
Happy Mother’s Day from the Twiniversity MoM Squad

Photo credit: Laura B.
“You don’t know messy until you have twins. A messy house, a messy car, messy life, and the most completely messy love I have ever known.” Laura B.
“My favorite part of being a twin mom is watching my two squishy-faced “babies” sleeping. It started with them sharing a crib, swaddled next to each other, and is now two beds in one room, where they often sleep in the exact same position and sometimes climb into each other’s bed!” Amanda H.
“Discovering that I was expecting twins was the biggest surprise of my life. My favorite thing about being a twin mom is the unique and enlightening learning experience that each day brings. There is truly never a dull moment! Raising twins has been an unexpected, yet fulfilling adventure that has taught me a lot about myself – not only as a mother but as a human being.” Leanne H.
“My favorite part of being a twin mom is watching my girls’ relationship grow! Some days they do not get along at all, but on the days they get along it warms my heart. I love seeing them talk and having inside jokes together. Their relationship is not like the typical twin relationship, it is unique and makes them who they are.” Lauren O.

Photo credit: Megan L.
“My twins are ALWAYS there for one another. They are each others’ biggest defenders and cheerleaders. They are 18 years old, best friends and their relationship is the best part of being a twin parent.” Megan L.
“I never thought that I would be a mom, let alone a twin mom. Is it what I thought it would be? That would be a hard “NO”! My vision of motherhood was based on what I saw in the media during my five-year infertility journey. I envisioned a picture-perfect Hallmark movie of an experience. I never thought about my own Mom or my own childhood in my weird distorted vision of motherhood. Not sure why. But over the past 17 years, since I’ve been a mom, it’s been inconsistent. Not in a bad way though. There are peaks and valleys like with every other aspect of life. The peaks, oh my goodness, the peaks are absolutely extraordinary. The valleys? Well, the valleys can be earth-shattering. Does it all balance in the end? I’m not sure. I’m still in the midst of it, but I tell ya, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. One thing I’ve learned is that we have a job to do. Our job is to remember that they are watching us from their first day on earth till this very moment. They are watching us react to the amazing views at the peak and to they are watching us during the heartbreaks in the valley. They will base a lot of how they view life on how we react to those moments. We don’t always have to be strong either. We just have to be ourselves. They are allowed to see us be fragile, they are allowed to see us be exuberant. They should see it all, just like we’ve seen their all. I look forward to more peaks, and I’ll deal with the valleys as they come, but I never lose sight of the fact that this is no freaking Hallmark movie, and honestly, I like it that way.” Natalie D.
Being a twin mom is such an incredible experience that we wouldn’t trade for anything in the world! Happy Mother’s Day fellow twin mamas!