Last updated on September 29th, 2023 at 12:25 pm
Learn why you should not be using an inclined infant sleeper, even if it’s not part of a current recall, plus 4 new inclined sleepers recently recalled.
I’m not a fan of “click bait” and I’ll tell you now, go ahead and start sending me hate mail because I titled this so you’d click on it on purpose. It’s come to our attention that MANY of our Twiniversity families are still using Rock n’ Play-type reclined loungers for your twins despite the dozens of infant deaths and recalls.

After all the recent recalls on MOST types of these loungers, even ones NOT made by Fisher-Price, families are still using them because they “work”. Listen, no one understands the need to sleep and have peace more than us. Remember, I’m literally one of you. I had twins that slept in 20 minute spirts for 8 months and often wanted to throw my arms up in the air and run because of the sheer exhaustion. And yes, I know how great it feels when something starts to “work” and your kids sleep. But guys, we can’t sacrifice safety for ANY SINGLE REASON.
Unless you have been particularly prescribed by your pediatrician to use an item like this, please stop today. Right now.
We’ve reported on these recalls after the first Fisher-Price Rock n’ Play recall. Guys, I’m asking you personally, as a favor to me. Please stop using them. Today Summer Infant, Graco, Delta, and Evenflo followed suit and are voluntarily recalling their infant incline sleepers. The full report can be found on the CPSC website.

There have been over 30 infant fatalities while using items like these since children can roll over in them and suffocate or stop breathing due to positional asphyxiation (which can also occur when a car seat is used outside of the car).
This recall is LONG overdue. I’m not sure why other companies were still selling their inclined sleepers for 9 months after the initial Fisher-Price recall. Today, when the news broke that other companies are waking up and being responsible, it literally brought a smile to my face and made me feel at peace with the juvenile products industry.

While we try to cover as many recalls as we can, please make sure you are personally signed up for the emails that come directly from the CPSC.
We are going to take this opportunity to gently remind you of safe sleep guidelines as recommended by the First Candle, a non profit organization that focuses on SIDS prevention and safe sleep.
- Your babies should always sleep on their backs.
- Your babies heads should always be uncovered
- Your babies should be dressed in a wearable swaddle or blanket, NO LOOSE CLOTHING, NO EXTRA BLANKETS OR PILLOWS
- Your babies should be sleeping in a specially made sleeper for twins or their own cribs or however your doctor recommends they sleep.
- Your babies’ sleep area should be free from any unnecessary items including stuffed animals and bumpers.
- Your babies’ sleep area should NEVER EVER EVER have padded sides.
- Your babies’ mattress should fit snugly and be covered by a simple fitted sheet.
- Your babies’ mattresses should be lowered the moment you see signs of them being able to possibly stand.
- Your babies’ cribs slats should be narrow (NEVER wide enough to fit a standard soda can through)
- Your babies’ cribs should never be by a window, curtains, blind cords, or electrical wires.
If you are concerned that your twins’ sleep area is at risk of being unsafe, please call your doctor and see what they can recommend. Sometimes pediatricians know of local organizations that might be able to help you get the proper gear you need to keep your twins safe.
If you have further comments, or concerns, please email us at
We wish you a wonderful day and please don’t take us as being alarmists; this is just a serious topic that needed to be written about.
by Natalie Diaz, Twiniversity Founder and CEO

Natalie Diaz is the Pied Piper of twin families around the globe. Founding Twiniversity — the world’s leading support network for multiple birth families — in 2009, she’s become a global influencer for this small niche community. Reaching over a half a million families a week through Twiniversity’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube channels, she takes her Women In Toys Wonder Woman Award Nomination for Social Media Influencer very seriously. Moms and dads of twins flock to Twiniversity’s social media channels to find resources, ask questions, explore new products, and find community and support from other twin parents. Natalie is a true connector, bringing parents from all walks of life together, breaking past cultural differences, to share in the highs and lows of parenting twins.