Last updated on February 3rd, 2024 at 07:24 pm
Recently, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said in a news release that it has issued a notice of violation to DockATot for “selling DockATot Deluxe+ Docks manufactured on or after June 23, 2022. These products do not comply with the requirements of the Safety Standard for Infant Sleep Products.”
How did DockATot violate the Infant Sleep Product Rule?
The reason for the violation is due to the company continuing to import and sell their Deluxe+ Dock, which is manufactured after June 23, 2022. This is despite that DockATot was notified that its product doesn’t comply with the new Infant Sleep Products Rule.
The current mandatory requirements of the ISP rule (Infant Sleep Products Rule) makes it it unlawful to sell non-compliant infant sleep products manufactured on or after June 23, 2022.
The violation comes just a day before the Safe Sleep for Babies Act will go into effect. According to, the Safe Sleep for Babies Act “prohibits the manufacture and sale of crib bumpers or inclined sleepers for infants.”
The product, DockATot® Deluxe+ Dock (all models with a manufactured date on or after June 23, 2022) is pictured below:

DockATot has not currently stopped importing products manufactured after June 23, 2022.
What Should You Do if You Own a DockATot Deluxe+?
CPSC also issued a separate press release, with the CPSC commissioner Rich Trumka stating, “It is unsafe for your baby to sleep in a DockATot Deluxe+.” He goes on to recommend that consumers immediately discontinue its use.
“I encourage you to read the reports of infants’ deaths associated with DockATot products, as reported by members of the public. To access them, visit and type DockATot into the search bar, and you can read caregivers’ stories of their worst nightmares becoming reality using this product,” Trumka urged of DockATot owners.
At the moment, there is not an official recall for this product. However, if you own a DockATot Deluxe+, Twiniversity strongly urges you to heed the CPSC commissioner’s warning and STOP using it immediately.
While DockATot has stated that the product is not intended for sleep, they admit that infants can and do fall asleep. Unfortunately, the information goes against the Infant Sleep Product Rule. It also poses serious risk to sleeping babies, due to the following factors:
- Does not meet stability requirements
- Sides are shorter than 7.5 inches
- Does not have a stand
Accidents can still happen, and even supervised sleep can be dangerous in sleep products that violate the ISP rule.
What Is the Infant Sleep Product Rule?
According to the CPSC, “the ISP rule applies to infant sleep products marketed or intended to provide sleeping accommodation for an infant up to 5 months old. The Safety Standard for Infant Sleep Products requires that all non-inclined sleep products, including baby boxes, in-bed sleepers, baby nests and pods, compact/travel bassinets, and infant tents, are subject to the safety standard for bassinets and cradles, which requires the products to have a stand, meet stability requirements and have a side height of at least 7.5 inches.”
Examples of products subjected to the Infant Sleep Products Rule are below:

As CPSC commissioner Trumka states, “I want to ensure that products sold for babies will not kill babies, and CPSC is making progress toward that goal every day.”
Finally, if you need to find more information about DockATot and the reports of infant deaths, please visit and type DockATot into the search bar.

If you have personally experienced an issue with the DockATot Deluxe+, please reach out to us at