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It’s Naptime! Twins Nap Schedules Through the Years

It’s Naptime! Twins Nap Schedules Through the Years

Twin Nap Schedules

Last updated on June 16th, 2024 at 04:00 pm

One of our Twiniversity members, Gabriela, put it best: “Nap is like Fight Club. You can’t talk about the nap, or you’ll jinx yourself and it won’t happen!”

We polled our Twiniversity members to find out the twins nap schedules they are currently using. The comments are listed in order of the twins’ age.

As you can see, every set of twins is different! You can see similar patterns forming around different ages but these comments are by no means the rule. This list is just to give you an idea of what to expect at various ages.

0-6 months

  • 3 month actual (3 week adjusted) twin boys. Up between 5-6am, then nap;  then up 9-10am, then nap, then up 12-1pm, then nap; then up 3-4pm, then nap; then up for bath, food at 6pm and in bed by 7pm. Up at 9-10pm, then sleep; then up 1-2pm, then sleep; and up 5-6am.
  • 4 month old fraternal boys. Nap: 9:00 am-10:30 am, 12:30p to 2:30p, 4:30-5:30. Bed from 7:30p-7:30a.
  • My almost 6 mo old b/b twins are still napping three times a day: get up between 6:30-7, nap 8:45, 12ish and 2:45, with bedtime at about 6:30 and they generally sleep through the night. I know we need to get to two naps a day but they get so tired and cranky if I push their awake time too much.
newborn twins sleep guide
  • 6 month boys. Wake at 7am and nap 9-10am, 12-1pm and 3-4 before going to sleep at 7pm. They don’t usually wake in the night.
  • 6 month old b/g twins. Go to bed about 8 sometimes 9 waking once during the night. Wake up at about 8:30/9:00. Nap about 11:00/12:00 about an hour then about 2 hour nap at around 2:00/3:00. It varies a lot still they aren’t really on a day to day schedule yet just whenever they’re tired
  • 6 month old boys. Wake at 8. Nap 10-12 & 3-5. Bed at 8.

7-12 months

  • 8 month old b/g twins. Sleep from 8pm-7am then nap 9-11am and 1-3pm.
  • 9 mo b/g twins, born 9 weeks early. They nap at 9 AM and 1 PM. Boy is a terrible napper but getting better. A bad day is 40 mins and a good day is 1.5 hrs, but 1 hr average per nap. Girl is a good napper and sleeps 1.5-2 hrs each nap. Since we figured out sleeping patterns, we haven’t done “one up / both up.” We’ve had this schedule since they were about 4 mo. They sleep 7:00-6:00 at night with a 10:00 dream feed.
  • 9 month b/g twins. Nap around 9am for 1-2 hours. They take a second nap around 1pm for the same amount of time.
  • 9 month old b/g. Morning nap from 9-10:30ish and afternoon nap from 2-3:30ish.
  • 10 month old fraternal boys. Wake 6am, nap 10-12 & again 4-5(6). They are in bed by 9pm. Wake around 3am to have a bottle. Trying really hard to cut that out.
  • B/g twins 10months old. 9:30am for 1.5hrs and 3:30pm for same. I want to make the pm nap earlier as they wont sleep through night
  • 10 mo b/g. Sleep 7:30pm-7am. Nap 9:30am-10:30. Then 3:30-4:30
  • 10 month boys. Mid morning nap, after lunch nap and anytime in the car!
  • There’s a decent snuggle on the couch nap about half an hour to an hour after breakfast. Most days it’s around 9/10-10/11. Then they both usually fall asleep in the car between errands and picking up big brother from school which means approx 1:45-3:15 give or take 15 min on either end. Then we have a 50/50 shot of either or both of them crashing for about 20-40 minutes somewhere between 4:30 & 6. Bed time is at 9pm. They are 10 month old boys and this has been their schedule for a very, very long time. It’s just what always happened, I never enforced it- but now I do enforce the first nap and encourage the second one.
twins nap schedule toddler sleeping standing up

13-18 months

  • My b/b twins just turned one, and they sleep about 12 hours all night and take one 2 hour nap and one 1 hour nap. I expect they will soon not need the one hour nap. Great babies and we have a lot fun!
  • Identical girls, one-year-old. They sleep from 7 pm to 7 am. Then they nap at 9:00 for about an hour and then at 12:30 for about an hour and a half. They are in the same room but different cribs. 
  • 1 y/o’s take a nap 4-5 hrs after waking up in the morning and if needs be a 1 hr or less nap in the later afternoon. The morning nap runs about 2 hours.
  • My frat boys are almost one year old (tomorrow!) and just finally got on a nap schedule. They usually wake up about 6:30a, we play and they have bottles / nurse, play some more, breakfast at 8:30a and then nap around 9. They sleep anywhere from 1-3 hours, I have NOT been waking the other up when the first one wakes. Bottle / nurse about 11:30a and then play for a while or I run errands and down for afternoon nap around 1-ish. Depending on how long he morning nap is will determine the length of afternoon nap, 1-2 hours. Up by 3p, another bottle / nurse and then play until dinner at 5:30, then bath / bottle / bed by 7:30p. Sorry, this is more of an all over schedule not just naps!
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  • 13 month ID boys. Go to bed at 8pm. Get up at 7am. Nap from 10AM-12PM. If they are being whiny they will get a second nap 330-5!
  • 14 mo g/g, 1 nap, 12-2(ish)
  • I have 14 month old boy boy fraternal twins. We just switched from 2 naps a day to one nap a day this week. They wake up at 8-8:30 am and have breakfast. Play until 12:30 when we eat lunch then nap at 1 until 2:30-3 pm. Snack and play until dinner around 5:30. Bath a 7 pm every other night or as needed. Then a cup of milk and small snack and bed at 8 pm. twins nap schedules
  • 16 month fraternal g/g twins nap from about 10-11:30a, and then again from 2-4p, then sleep from 7p-6:30a
  • 16 month boys only have 1 nap 10-11:30 and bedtime 7-7
  • 17-month-old boys: “We finished transitioning them to 1 nap a day just a few weeks ago. It was a long and tedious process, I’m not going to lie. We bumped their nap time back by 15-20 minutes every week or so. They used to take their morning nap at 9 am and afternoon nap at 1 pm. We started by bumping it back as far as they could go, which was usually around 10:30. Then keeping it there for a week, then pushing it back to 10:45, then 11:00, etc. So it took about 4-5 weeks but it was well worth it. Now they sleep from 12 – 2 or 3 every day. Now keep in mind that their bedtime is between 6:30-7 pm and they get up around 6:15 am every day and they sleep overnight in the same room. But we don’t nap them in the same room — we nap 1 of the boys in a pack n play in our master bedroom. We also had to play around with when they had lunch. At first we were delaying lunch until after their nap (eating around 12:30 or 1 or even later) and once they started going down later like around 11:30 we moved lunch to before the nap (like around 11 am) and I think this helped to make them sleep longer since they had full bellies. Now they eat at 11:30 and nap at 12 or 12:15.”
  • 17 Month old BB twins, usually up between 6am – 7am. Nap between 10 or 11 for an hour maybe an hour and a half and in bed asleep by 7.30 pm
twins nap schedule toddler asleep in shopping cart
  • 18 mo b/g, each in their own crib. AM nap around 10:30, PM nap around 2:30. Naps are 45min – 1.5 hr depending on circumstances. twins nap schedules
  • 18 mo b/g, nap in same room usually falling asleep within minutes of each other, 1-2 hour nap, bedtimes 8-6. But it can vary a bit depending in the day, of course.

19-24 months

  • 19 mo g/g Twinnies, 1:30-3:30. Sometimes they skip a day. I think they want to give up napping but I’m not ready lol. Bedtime 8-8:30. Wake up in the a.m. around 8.
  • 19mo old and nap directly after lunch. Lunch is anywhere from 11:30-12:30 depending on morning wake up and they sleep for 2-3 hours most days.
  • 19mth (17adj) b/b twins. Wake up every morning at 6:30 nap time from 10:30-2 then bedtime at 7:30. twins nap schedules
  • 20 month old b/g twins. One nap about 1:30-3:30 daily.
  • 20 mo b/g. Up at 9am nap at 1-130 to 4-430 bed at 8-830
  • My frat g/g twins are napping on me right now lol they are 22 months old. They take a nap anywhere between noon and 4 and sleep on average an hour and a half. They only take a nap maybe 4 days a week. Even as newborns they only took 1 nap a day for maybe 2 hours despite my best efforts
  • Almost 2 yr old B/B take a 2 hr nap between 1-3

2 years and up

  • 2 yrs old girls nap 11:30-1:30, sleep 7-7 through the night
  • 2 y/o b/g twins nap from about Noon-2p or 2:30. They take turns getting the “Good Napper Award” (one almost always sleeps longer than the other.) They share a room, but have their own cribs.l
  • 2 year old boys, sleep from 7:30pm-6:30am. Day time nap is from 11:30-1:30. Not ideal as then late lunch. It’s due to my daughters nursery and school times (live in Scotland). On some days they don’t nap at all. They will fall asleep in pram or car.
  • 2 y/o g/b twins. 1 nap (1pm – 3ish). I can usually get a 90 min nap from my daughter and anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours from my son.
  • Right now my b/g twins are 2 years, 3-month-old. They nap once a day in the afternoon. They nap in separate rooms, but sleep together at night. They go down between 1-2 and usually sleep 1-3 hours.
  • I have identical twin boys who will be 2 on the 30th of April they sleep between 1-2 hrs anytime after noon. twins nap schedules
  • Boys, 27 months. 12-2pm
  • 2 years 4 month fraternal boys-nap from about 1:00pm-3:00pm
twins nap schedule kid standing in crib
  • Boys, 28 months, 1-3pm or 4pm. Nap in separate rooms, sleep at night in same room. Working on cutting naps back to 1 or 2 hours consistently so I can move bed time up from 8 to 7 or 7:30. twins nap schedules
  • 28 months b/g they nap right after lunch from about 12-2pm. It can vary by 30-45 on getting down. They share a room and we keep the same schedule at both daycare and home. They go down for bed at 730 and sleep til 645 am when we wake them up for daycare. Weekend vary for wake time from 7-9am.
  • 2.5 yr old boy/girl twins nap from approximately 1230 to 2/230 ish…
  • Almost 3 yo b/g twins (28 May). Down between 12:30 & 1:00, I usually get 2 hours. They go down about 12 at school, they get 90 minutes.
  • 3 year old b/g twins naps between about 2 and 4.
  • 3 y/o’s quit napping at 2.
  • 3 year old b/g twins. They typically take an afternoon nap for 1-2 hours, but sometimes my daughter won’t sleep. twins nap schedules
  • 3 1/2 year old boys sleep 7pm-6:30am no napping going on here!!
  • 3 1/2 fraternal b/b – nap in the afternoon for 1-2 hr. Just starting to skip occasional one.
  • B/G, 3 1/2…down at 1pm up at 3pm. Some days they both sleep, some days one sleeps, some days neither sleep, but stay up there anyway (that’s when I homeschool our 8 1/2 yr old boy).
  • Identical 3.5 year old boys. Still nap 2-4:30, sometimes 5:30 at home! They’ve napped at the same time since birth.
  • 3.5 yr old identical boys they don’t nap anymore heck they even fight bed time but if I let them sleep during the day they will stay up very late at night miss them sleeping 7-7 everyday.
  • Age 4. Girl takes 1 nap per week, boy naps daily 1- 1 1/2 hours.
  • 4 years b/g twins. Nap 1-230 or 3 at home during the weekend and at preschool during weekdays. Son always nap and daughter sometime skipped at home if not enough activities in the morning.
  • Soon to be 4 identical boys…no nap. Wish I could take one!
  • From age 1 to 2 fraternal g/g twins took two naps. One from 10am to 11am and another from 2pm to 3pm. From age 3 to 4 only one nap around 1pm. Once they turned 4 they pretty much stopped napping. Takes a lot to get them to take a nap now a days.
  • 5 1/2 yr olds nap in Kindergarten from 1 pm-3pm. twins nap schedules
  • 10 1/2 year-old boys…in the afternoon… after they try to stay up all night!!
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