Admitting to having a favorite twin is like stepping into dangerous territory for most parents, but let’s be real—it happens! Some days, one twin is easier to deal with, or their personality vibes better with yours, and suddenly, they’re your favorite (at least for that moment). It’s not about loving one more than the other; it’s just that some days, one is less likely to turn snack time into a food fight.

We recently asked our Twiniversity community, “Do you have a favorite twin?” Check out these honest answers.
Do you have a favorite twin?
I rank the baby twins and 3 yr old every night after bedtime 😂😂 -sarahjoellemeow
Yes! The one that sleeps better on any given night. – Jodie Solari
Yes. -rainbowfreakshow
It switches back and forth alllllll the time. -Kelly Musselman
The one that’s not sassing at the moment -Revonna Marie
The quiet one who doesn’t ask for anything, lol😂 -angelicamendoza05
The one that gives me the least amount of agony! They’re 22. -Rebecca Rachman-Decker
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Yup. They are almost 7, there has been one that is always easier. He’s not perfect by any means, but his personality is so much more easygoing than his sister’s. I love her too it’s just different, it takes more physical and emotional energy. -Kerry Rae Mason
Totally but it changes -ang_lopez23
One at night, one during the day 😂 -dinawiththepinkhair
Yeah, it changes every other day 😏 -kelssibingham
The one that started sleeping through the night was at 1st 😂 but now one is wild and crazy the other is calm and calculated I love the balance. -jatessjewels
The less moody one at the time. Sure! We can pick favorites! -benton_mckay
I like the one that goes to bed quickest at night. 😂 -tiffany_demille5
Yes! Whichever one doesn’t need help with their math homework! -Jessi Skinner
Yes! And it changes hourly -Danielle Faulkner
Yeah, the one that isnt screaming -Melodie Bird
I feel the strongest bond with my B twin. Her and I just have a special connection. I love all of my kids and none of them are a favorite, but I definitely feel more connected to my B twin. -Krista Williams
Yes he is chill like me, but i will maul anyone over all of them, respectfully -Kibriyaa BeingOriginal Robin

It depends on the day or moment!
Depends on the day, hour or even second 🤣 -coryguns
It usually depends on the day and maybe time. They both have their moments. -Emily Anne
I was once told every parent has a favorite child. The favorite child is the one who needs them the most at that particular time. -Sarah Purdy
Whoever is behaving themselves better that day -Brittany McMahon Morgans better that day
-Brittany McMahon Morgan
Ooh, depends on the moment! Twin B can really have “second born energy” and that can be really hard for me to handle. -jocelyn_beaulieu6
Depends on the hour -rachelshelow
Funny they just asked me this today!! I said yes! It changes depending on the moment 🤣🤣 -anniebraley
Whoever is the best behaved at the moment. Ask me in five minutes it will probably change lol -Elizabeth Murphy
Sometimes. And then they do something and I switch to the other… and then sometimes they both act up and neither one gets that spot lol. Other times they are both precious. It’s a rare beautiful occurrence at 3 but 😍 -mrsjessicadeawson
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whoever listens better that day lol -Melissa Reetz
The less drama causing one is my favorite. This is not always the same twin ☝🏼-saskia.285
My favorite is the one not getting on my nerves today, lol -Jeaniffer Johnson
Depends on the day and depends what trouble they are getting in to lol -NiChole Montanez
Yes. Whoever is not annoying me at that moment. -Meghan Eli
Yes and it changes minute to minute hahahah -sarahbeth3420
Depends on the day and which one decided to listen and behave that day. -Joanna Towers
The one that is behaving the “best” at the time. They actually are so different that they equal each other out to make me love them both equally. -Nicole Chambers McCormick
My favorite is the one I’m with! -Connie Burbank Myers
Literally whichever one is currently behaving. -Cassandra Love
Whoever is being the quietest at the moment! -Shannon Cole-Cameron

I don’t have a favorite, but I do have one (the girl twin from my mixed twins) who I don’t want to piss off as that little madam is sassy, and she is only 11 weeks old! -Amy Yates
It depends on the day, and sometimes on the time of day! But overall, no, I love them both the same. -Katie Schervish Jordan
Twin Dad here. Mine changes every week 😂. -iam_ryanj
I have traits that I like about each twin better- but – there isn’t one child that sweeps the board… -Heather Gauthi
Whichever one sleeps the best -raisingthemlikeamother
It varies day to day -Callie McDonald
I love them both in unique ways. I don’t have a favorite per se. But sometimes depending who is driving me crazy I might prefer one over the other. But I love them both so much I just couldn’t choose. -Michelle.lewisclark
I don’t have a favorite, but I go through phases of vibing with one more, same as the rest of my kids. As they develop and expand their interests, and also hit rough patches and needing independence. It’s always in Flux and I just try to be whatever they need me to be when they need it, which looks different, child to child. -lady.jedi
I have boy/girl twins. I say to my daughter she’s my favorite daughter and my son I say he’s my favorite son. -Lauren Hurd

I definitely have 1 that I identify with more so than the other and therefore understand her more, but no not a favorite. -Jami Yazzie
No favorite, but I have days when I vibe with one and not the other. The other is usually processing some stuff and needs space, so I lean into the other one. And then it switches. I think each of them would say the same thing about me and my husband. Lol -Becky Tagerson
I have an easier twin… but no favorites -Brandy Fenimore
Not exactly, but in some specific instances I do prefer one over the other! -Rimsha Salam
Not necessarily a favorite but one is definitely easier than the other… so…. Take that for what it’s worth
-Megan Rose
I don’t have a favorite, but all along my daughter and I have gravitated toward each other, and my son and my husband have gravitated toward each other. Possibly because of gender? -Emma Bouquet
I tell my kids that the favorite title is up for grabs every second of the day… but each of my kids is my favorite for different reasons… one is my favorite to laugh with, the other is my favorite to talk with, and one is my favorite to go on adventures with. -Ash Ley
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One child is “easier” to parent than the other. But that doesn’t make the other one a “favorite” child. -Christine El Eris
Don’t like either of mine today… we’ll see what tomorrow brings -Jo Hutcheon
No favorites. I love all my kiddos the same. -Twin Mom Ecom
No. One screams banshee levels where the other cries over every minor inconvenience. -Brianna-Kai Organ Davidson
No favorite but one I try not to piss off -Stacy Ruckel
No. They are both very different, qualities I like and dislike about both. -halfsieashley
Nope. They get on my nerves equally. -leti_paris

Nope, never, I couldn’t choose!
I honestly couldn’t decide. I love them both so much!! Trying for years to conceive and finally getting my miracle IVF babies, they are both on my “top shelf,” as I tell them! -JaeLyne Bates
My kids always ask who is my favorite and I always say I don’t like any of you! (Jokingly of course!) -Jessica Jokisch
Mom of 27 year old twins. I don’t look at it as a favorite but there are things that one likes the other doesn’t. So we lean in on those differences. -Saundra Abel
No both different .. love getting to know them differently xx -Belinda Borg
Nope, love them both the same, even on the days they test my patience. I love they still like to cuddle, even though they are 11yrs old or just need a hug. -Chandra L Clark
No. Honestly, one is super affectionate and loves his Mama, and I so love that! (still and they’re almost 14),and the other one shows me love in a different way(more reserved), but helps me around the house always and doesn’t complain. -Debra Soto Schreiber
I love them for different reasons -Sarah Robbin’s Forsyth
No funckin way. Love both in their own special way. -Anca Raluca
Nope. Adore my wee Darlings both equally and so much. Such different characters and both divine -Alyssa Simone
No but there’s one I avoid to wake up early -Mica Hughes
No…. they both drive me crazy and then shower me with never ending love -Anuchkè Pretorius
I have b/g twins after 7 years of infertility. I don’t have a favorite at all. I love them both equally. I will say however that THEY have favorites. -Amber Annette Winslett
Not at all, but our twins do have their favorite parents 😂 -caitlinvallejos1
I always say they prevent us from having favorites because each day in a new adventure 😊🙃😊🙃 -jessikirrrr
I have a twin that needs more affirmation and attention than the other. So one might say yes, looking in from the outside. But they each have love in their own love language and are loved equally according to their needs ❤ -twotimetwinmama

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No. I love them equally. Like them equally. They annoy me equally. 😂 -five_and_a_cat
No. But I am the favorite parent for Twin B and daddy is Favorite for Twin A 🤷🏻♀️-gre.8i8
Not a favorite but I do have more connection in different things with each one -mama1ddiaalavez
Nope! 🤍🤍 both awesome little humans -caseyspurs
N to the O -kristycr8z
Nope, not at all. Their dad definitely does and it’s heartbreakingly obvious -living.that.twin.lifeMine have different personalities, so I get different vibes from both of them, but I definitely love them the same. 🤍🤍🫂 -mbm_london
Nope not yet! They both evenly drive me crazy, intrigue me & make me fall head over heels in love with them all at the same time! Haha I’m still in the early stages! -42_cheese
Don’t have a favorite but I definitely connect with one better than the other. -emmillyy25
No -Sonia.m.montanez
Favorite doesn’t really compute. Ones easier in some areas of life and vice versa. And that’s always changing. I recall crying to my pod therapist about favoring one twin early on because they were less colic-y, slept longer, latched easier, etc. it’s okay ✌🏻 it’s really hard. Stay open to the journey of your individual relationships with your twins – over time 🫶 -mad_pie
No! But now that they are five, my favorite thing was to have twins! 😊 -juandiegoelcurioso
There have been times where I’ve tried to dig deep and answer this just for myself, and I’d tell no one. But it’s literally impossible. I love them both so equally and they get into different types of trouble and drive me crazy sometimes pretty equally. 🤣 (they’re two!) -thislexingtonlife
Nope!! They’re equally annoyingly cute -sweet_cass99
Impossible -lyriclashon
I couldn’t have a favorite if you paid me!😂💜 -maryjanepsychicmedium
Both of them are special … -Roushnee Adamjee
Can they both be our favorites!?! -readingthroughthenicu
I WOULD RATHER DIE. I remember when they were first born I used to count the amount of kisses I gave to each of them to make sure I gave the other one the same amount. -gemmamono

Both ❤️ -judithportail_
I will whisper to each of them they that are my favorite. I think they are starting to catch on 😂-fullhands.afullheart
Just like when I was a preschool teacher, it’s the same with my kids. They are all my favorites but for different reasons. My Lucy is my favorite Lucy and Leora is my favorite Leora. I love them both equally 😍-jessmeier3
One makes me laugh and one provides my snuggles. Love them the same for different reasons. -yaya_pops
As a twin mom I love this question, I always heard people sneak and ask my mom (whom has 4 children) who was her favorite she always said, she didn’t have a favorite. I never believed her always thought it was my brother, but now I think she may have been telling the truth 😂. Each child is unique -jatessjewels
Same amount, just at different times 😍 -lucy8984
I always tell mine…I love you the same but sometimes I like one of you more. Lol -jennkmichel
They are both so different so they r both loved differently but equally. -rleghari
I have 2 sets of twins. Twin boys and twin girls. Picking a favorite is like trying to pick your favorite blessing. So I pick all-of-dem 🙌🏽🤷🏾♀️😊 -thekinkystagesofmotherhood
At the end of the day, having a “favorite” twin is less about favoritism and more about the ebb and flow of parenting. And let’s be honest—it’s okay if you have a favorite sometimes… they probably have a favorite parent! Every twin parent knows that the dynamics change constantly—one moment, you’re drawn to one twin’s calm nature and the next, the other’s wild energy steals your heart. What matters most is that both twins are loved deeply and equally, even if that love comes with a side of humor and a few guilty smiles. After all, raising twins is a journey full of ups, downs, and plenty of unforgettable moments that only parents of multiples truly understand.

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