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What I Regret about My First Double Stroller

What I Regret about My First Double Stroller

Last updated on August 12th, 2024 at 05:30 pm

Buyer’s remorse is the worst, even more so when it is for key necessities like a double stroller! Here are the top double stroller regrets from other twin parents. Keep reading and save this for later; learn from the double stroller regrets of others!

Before you buy a car, you have the option to test drive the vehicle in different scenarios and terrains. Not that you’re going to go off-roading with that vehicle but you still give it a try in different areas of your neighborhood. But with strollers, the only “test drive” you get is around the vinyl floors of the store you’re shopping in. You don’t know how much it bounces on the pavement while out for your morning jog or how it fits in your car’s trunk space. It may look small when you collapse it in the store, but when you try to fit it into the back of your family sedan, probably not that small after all. Choosing a double stroller is a significant decision for parents of multiples, and it can come with its share of regrets.

Double stroller regrets

We’ve done the work and compiled a list of complaints and regrets about double strollers. Although there is no PERFECT double stroller, reading through our top double stroller regrets might just help you find the perfect double stroller for your family.

Double Does Not Always Mean Made for Twins

A double stroller means two kids fit, but it doesn’t mean two infants will fit. This assumption can lead you to invest in a piece of equipment that will not fit your needs. How frustrating! A lot of the double strollers are advertised as ‘2-kids’, but make sure that includes two kids (or car seats) that are the same size.

double stroller reviews

Are you looking for the best double stroller for twins? Not sure if you should go for a tandem stroller or a side-by-side stroller? And what about a Snap N’ Go? We’ve got all the details for you in our double stroller resource. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and the Twiniversity shop!

It’s So Heavy!

Double strollers have a reputation for being heavy, and it’s no joke. The combination of a sturdy frame and two seats means they can weigh quite a bit. The Graco Duo is about 30 lbs and the Mockingbird with the 2nd seat attachment brings that stroller to 35 lbs. Maneuvering a double stroller can take some effort, especially when you’re trying to navigate tight spaces or lift them into a car. The weight, while providing stability, can also be a challenge when you’re on the go. Plus, If you’re recovering from a C-section, you definitely can’t muscle a stroller that heavy.

Double stroller regret: It's so big and takes up too much room in my tiny apartment.

It’s so BIG

Whether it’s side-by-side or front-to-back size matters. Double strollers are often large and bulky, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, the size provides ample space for your children to ride comfortably, with plenty of room to grow. However, this large size can also make them cumbersome to maneuver, especially in crowded places or tight spaces. Storing a double stroller can also be a challenge. Will it fit in the trunk of your car or the trunk of your SUV? Some are so large that they take up the majority of the trunk space or don’t fit at all—“doesn’t fit” does not fit in a MoM’s world.

Two babies, two car seats and a stroller make a double stroller so heavy!

Rumble Seats Make Me Grumble

While rumble seats can add convenience to double strollers, they also have some drawbacks, especially for twins. Rumble seats often have lower weight limits compared to the main seats. Plus, they are smaller in size and have less padding. Rumble seats also lack some key features, such as full recline or adjustable footrests. Since the rumble seat is a compact seat, you will most likely need to help your child in and out of it, regardless of their age.

Rumble seats are big regret when buying a double stroller

Need more help deciding on a stroller for twins? Check out What to look for When Buying a Twin Stroller.

If I could do it over, I would definitely stay away from strollers that said ‘heavy” in their reviews. I may have chipped off the paint on the bumper——I couldn’t quite lift it in to the trunk (whoops). Another double stroller regret of mine was not buying a stroller that came with car seat adaptors. I Hulk-carried two car seats into daycare on the daily until they were big enough to fit into the double stroller I purchased.

Research and reading reviews will be your best friend when looking for a double stroller. For an in-depth look at some of the most popular double stroller brands, check out these double stroller reviews. Learn from the experiences of other twin parents so you can select a double stroller that best suits your lifestyle. Good luck on your buying journey.  Choose wisely!

Stephanie Miller

Stephanie Miller is the proud mom of twin cyclones Zach and Carter (20-month-old).  Every day in the Miller house, you’ll find rooms turned over, floors covered in bits of Lego and puzzle pieces (mind your step), and the sound of “Brown Bear Brown Bear” read over and over, and over again.  You’ll typically find her being used as the seat to reading time for the two bookworms, covered in bubble solution as they try to excel in their Bubble Wand skills, or being the voice to command Alexa for their favorite tunes.  She and her husband are working on their traveling skills cause she can’t wait to show them the amazing world that is out there for them.

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