Last updated on March 7th, 2024 at 11:50 am
A Twin MoM-To-Be Recently Asked:
“I’m a first-time mom expecting twins in and I’m looking for recommendations for the best breast pump. I’m planning to try exclusively pumping and bottle feeding so I know I’ll need a good pump. But there are so many options. I would love to hear which pumps other moms of multiples have had success with.”
Here’s What Our Twiniversity Fans Had to Say…
Best Breast Pump for Twins Breastfeeding
I started out exclusively pumping for my twins while they were in the NICU, and now I am doing a combo nursing/pumping while back at work. I decided to rent the Medela Symphony, and it has been outstanding. It is gentler on my body than the smaller Medela, while giving me the same, if not more, milk. Insurance provided an Ameda that I never used because it didn’t fit. I highly recommend the Twin Z pillow for hands-free synchronized bottle feeding and a hands-free pumping bra.
∼ LW
Make sure you get one that is rechargeable. Being able to pump anywhere (walking around, in the car, etc) and not having to be plugged into an outlet is amazing.
∼ JW
I loved my Spectra S1 and thought it was the best breast pump. I was a Medela user beforehand and definitely preferred the Spectra S1.
∼ AD
My insurance provided a Medela double breast pump, which gave me just over a year with exclusive pumping. At my most, I was using it 7-8 times in 24 hours. So I used it a lot. I did get a pumping bra because I could bottle feed both the girls (or snack, or play on my phone, do the dishes or fold laundry, or do my hair and makeup etc.) while pumping. I would definitely encourage you to get one too and get spare parts. You’ll be washing so many bottles and pump parts you’ll be glad you have extras. Good luck!
∼ KB
I think the Spectra S2 is the best breast pump. My twins are 5 weeks old and it is definitely the best breast pump. Plus there’s no backflow so you’ll never get mold. I would also recommend looking into Legendairy Milk for supplements. I have no issues with my supply but I still take them for a fattier milk.
∼ HJ
Everybody’s body reacts differently. My Medela Freestyle was amazing for on-the-go pumping and it did a good job. I reacted better to the Spectra S2 though. Looking back I would have used both as being on-the-go and what not. But, it got difficult to use the Spectra S2. If you can rent or get your hands on a Medela Symphony I would highly suggest that. You can usually rent them for $50 a month and some insurances will cover that!
∼ AS
I exclusively pumped. I rented the hospital’s breast pump for the first few weeks while one of my twins was in the NICU to really get my supply up. Then I used the Medela In-Style and I think and it worked great! Whatever you decide, make sure you get a good pumping bra and drink a lot of water.
I have the rechargeable Medela and the regular one. The rechargeable one is really nice because you don’t have to be tied to an outlet. I would recommend finding a hands-free solution of some sort though. It’s really hard to be unable to use my hands for 20 minutes. I have the Freemie collection cups that go inside your bra. They work pretty well.
∼ MC
My hospital gave me the Medela Symphony. My insurance covered it for 4 months and then I rented it for about $20 a month after that. I used it for 6 months. I liked it and thought it worked well.
I love the Spectra s2, I get more milk when I pump and it’s quiet. You can use the Medela parts with it, as well. Which I do like better, and usually the hospital gives you parts for a Medela, you just have to get bottles for it.
∼ SW
Like others have mentioned, look into renting a hospital grade pump for the first few weeks, that helped my supply build up a lot.
∼ SK
Worried about breastfeeding twins? What To Do When You’re Breastfeeding Two is an on-demand online breastfeeding twins class made just for YOU! This course was created by Twiniversity in partnership with Judy Teibloom-Mishkin, IBCLC. Click here to learn more…
Grab some old sports bras. Cut quarter size holes in the front. Slip on the plastic nipple cover and Voila! Hands-free pumping bras that actually stay on. Good luck!
I’m doing the same for my 2.5-month-old b/g twins. They were born 6 weeks early and couldn’t nurse so now we are just in that habit and I’ve continued one they left the NICU. I used a Medela Symphony (hospital grade) at the hospital and liked it so much I am renting one (with my first son, I had the insurance Medela In-Style Pump and felt it was pretty worthless compared to the hospital grade). I also purchased a cordless Spectra. I use it when we are on the go and I need to pump in the car or something. It has great power for being a charging pump and has a variety of different suctions. The only thing I dislike about the spectra is the pumping parts—they seem pretty cheap and they are hard to clean.
∼ LE

The Spectra 2 was excellent. It’s considered a hospital grade pump like the Medela Symphony. It just has fewer pieces, a night light, and a place to hold the bottle so it doesn’t spill! My insurance covered it.
I’m pumping for my boys with the Medela Pump In-Style Advanced. Definitely, recommend hands-free bra and feed babies in bouncers in front of you at the same time when you are doing it all by yourself. Also joining an exclusively pumping support group. Made a huge difference.
∼ LS
Rent one from a home health care store. That’s what I did. It was just like the one I used at the hospital.
∼ JP
Spectra and then use Medela bottles for storage (they are easier to find).
I rented the pump from the hospital. It was an Ameda. Worked wonders to build up my supply.
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Check out Natalie Diaz’s book:
“What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”
In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.