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5 Things You Should Know Before Your Babies Start Teething

5 Things You Should Know Before Your Babies Start Teething

5 Things You Should Know Before Your Babies Start Teething crying baby

Last updated on May 7th, 2024 at 08:56 am

If you’re new to the baby life, you’re about to get a rude awakening. Teething with one baby is pretty stressful; teething with two babies is on a whole other level! The drooling, crankiness, and tears that come with teething twins can make it a nightly ordeal for babies and parents alike. 

Your babies won’t start teething until around 6 months old, so — lucky you! — teething will come on right around when you are ready to sleep train your twins. Hooray! (Not!) But you’re reading this article so you’re going to be prepared, right?

first year with twins

Stressing out with your infant twins? Let us help! Learn what to expect in the first year with twins, including tips, tricks, and advice from real twin parents who have been there. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our twin parent coaching services and Twiniversity shop!

Before Your Babies Start Teething: 5 Things to Know

1. Teething Doesn’t Happen All at Once

If you’re not familiar with the infant teething process, you may assume that all baby teeth come in at once. Not so! They come in stages. Just when you think you’re in the clear and teething has relented for a bit, soon enough the next set of teething come in and your schedule is thrown off again. What fun!

When you’re juggling twins it gets even more complicated; fraternal twins often have their teeth coming in on different schedules (sometimes identical twins too.) For a while, it will feel like some baby in your house is always in the process of teething!

Here is the general schedule for infant/toddler teething:

  • Central incisors: 6-12 months of age
  • Lateral incisors: 9-16 months of age
  • First molars: 13-19 months of age
  • Canine teeth: 16-23 months of age
  • Second molars: 22-24 months of age
efficient start teething

2. The Symptoms of Teething and Illness Are Very Similar

Because teething is so common and other symptoms such as fever, fussiness, and diarrhea are also common, both may often occur at the same time. Common illnesses, such as viral infections, are much more likely to be causing fever, fussiness, and/or nasal congestion with cough and diarrhea. It is important to contact a doctor if these or other symptoms seem concerning. Do not assume that they are just from teething.

Classic signs and symptoms of teething include:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Chewing on objects
  • Irritability or crankiness
  • Sore or tender gums
  • Slight increase in temperature — but no fever

Many parents suspect that teething causes fever and diarrhea, but researchers say these symptoms aren’t indications of teething. If your baby has a rectal temperature of 100.4 F (38 C) or diarrhea, talk to the doctor.

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Need some baby safety training? Take the Twiniversity Complete Baby Safety course, offered on-demand. Includes video modules on infant, toddler, and child CPR, first aid, and common medical ailments, plus car seat installation and safety and childproofing your home. Click here to learn more!

3. Prepare for Some Serious Drooling

Here comes the drool! Stock up on absorbent bibs for everyday wear because the drooling can get a little out of control when teething starts. The increased drooling that comes with teething can also lead to skin irritation around the mouth and chin. If you see redness or bumps, apply a little Aquaphor healing ointment as a barrier to help soothe the rash and keep it from getting worse.

4. Make Sure to Stock up in Advance

Plan ahead! Start stocking up now on teething products that will help your twins throughout their first and second year, including:

  • Teething toys
  • Absorbent bibs
  • Boiron Camilia (buy now at Walmart)
  • Pacifiers
  • Teething wafers (always watch your babies when they have these)
  • Aquaphor
  • Infant acetaminophen or infant ibuprofen (avoid using this until absolutely necessary and talk to your doctor for the proper dosage)

Avoid teething necklaces, bracelets, or anklets. These items pose a risk of choking, strangulation, mouth injury, and infection.

When choosing teething relief products for your little one, be sure to also avoid topical products that contain the gum-numbing ingredient benzocaine, which can have life-threatening side effects. Homeopathic or “natural” teething products that contain belladonna are also unsafe, according to the FDA.

5. Oral Care Should Start When the First Tooth Comes In

When the first tooth pops through, start an oral care routine with your baby. You don’t have to get fancy. Just a simple baby toothbrush and fluoride-free toothpaste used once a day will do the trick. This will get your babies used to brushing and help to start life-long brushing habits.

You can also make your first dental appointment when the first tooth appears. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommend that kids see a pediatric dentist by their first birthday. A pediatric dentist will make sure all teeth are developing normally and that there are no dental problems. They will also give you further advice on proper hygiene.

This post is sponsored by our brand partner Boiron, creators of Camilia for teething relief, Children’s Chestal Honey cough syrup, RhinAllergy Kids pellets, Children’s ColdCalm pellets and ColdCalm Liquid Doses, as well as Calendula Cream and other mom and family-friendly medicines.

boiron camilia teething

We love Boiron for all the homeopathic children and baby products they offer to help make twin parenting life easier. Our favorite product of theirs is Camilia, a worry-free teething medicine for babies 1 month and older. It relieves painful gums, irritability, and minor digestive upsets sometimes associated with teething.* 

Camilia is offered in pre-measured liquid doses that are hygienic and easy to use. The liquid dose vials are also sterile, recyclable, and small enough to carry anywhere. 

Teething Pain Relief for Your Sore Twinnies

boiron start teething

Camilia features:

  • Pre-measured liquid doses that are easy to give and carry anywhere
  • A sterile, hygienic, and mess-free solution you don’t need to rub on gums
  • Benzocaine-free and no preservatives, flavors, or sugars
  • No risk of numbing the baby’s gag reflex or interfering with nursing
  • Made from plant-based active ingredients, including chamomile
  • Trusted by parents worldwide for over 25 years with a remarkable safety record
  • Recommended for babies 1 month and up
  • Recipient of the prestigious Mom’s Choice Award®

Pick up your next box of Boiron Camilia at Walmart stores nationwide!

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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