Last updated on March 6th, 2024 at 08:11 pm
When I mentioned to people that I was going to use cloth diapers with my twins, many told me I was crazy. In all honesty, it’s one of the easiest parts about having twins. The choice to use cloth was environmentally motivated more than anything else, but cloth diapers can save you lots of money too.
It’s estimated that one baby uses 3,000 diapers per year. That’s $840 a year for disposable diapers ($1680 for twins) while it costs an estimated $500 per baby (yup $1000 for twins) for cloth diapering (without a diaper service).

There are countless types, styles, fabrics, sizes, and brands. So many choices can be overwhelming. Plus, cloth diapering has its own language. Let’s break down some of the lingo:
- CD=Cloth Diapering.
- OS=One size.
- AIO= All in One.
- AI2= All in Two.
- PUL=Polyurethane Laminated Fabric, (protective covers.)
- Fitted Diapers Pre-folds, (the good old fashioned type.)
- Pocket Diapers.
- What kind of fabric to use: Cotton, Microfiber, Hemp, and the list goes on.
There are fancy designer diapers; large companies and small companies; even diapers made by stay-at-home moms. Just Google cloth diapers and you’ll see choices are endless!
Where to Start?
A great place to is with a “try it” kit. Lots of cloth diapering sites offer these samples to help you decide what style works best for your babies.
You are bound to have questions, in fact, you’ll probably have more than one! Visit Cotton Babies or to get all your cloth diapering questions answered.

Have you taken your expecting twins class yet? We offer a great class on demand so you can take it on your own schedule! There are so many video modules covering everything from your twins’ baby registry to your first week at home with twins!
Sign up today to get started before your twins arrive.
Honestly, cloth diapering twins is the easiest part of raising babies. There is no reason not to do it. I even know a MoM, who does ‘CDing’ without a washer!! We stuck with cloth diapers, on a road trip! There are a few hybrid options, but I still prefer all cloth.
How Many Cloth Diapers Do You Need for Twins?
We found that twin moms can use as few as 36 and upwards of 100 in their twins’ lifetime. You don’t need to buy double the diapers for double the kids: one and a half the amount for a typical baby should be enough. See our Cloth Diapering Twins Cheat Sheet for more info.

GroVia makes a great AIO, that works well for nighttime. They also have cloth training pants. I am very excited to try these.
I did use pocket diapers at night for a while and really liked them. However, since I have very hard water, they did not work long-term. There was a build-up of residue on the microfiber material, which caused them to stop working properly.
Cloth Diapering Extras
Once you’ve picked your diaper, you still have more choices to make: cloth wipes, wipe solution, wet bags, ointments, (only certain types can be used), and diaper sprayers. There is also the choice of washing at home or using a diaper service.
Diaper Service or Home Wash?

Many people think you need a service when you use cloth diapers, but you don’t. We wash at home. For us, wet diapers go into a tall kitchen garbage can, lined with a wet bag, and no lid. (This may seem counterproductive, but to avoid smells, leave the lid off.) Muddy diapers are rinsed off in the toilet with a diaper sprayer and placed in a small bucket by the toilet until wash day.
We wash every other day. Just dump the entire bag and bucket into the washer. Do a pre-rinse, then hot wash(110 max) with approved detergent (manufacturer recommended). Next is a cold rinse, followed by a second and final cold rinse. Then line or tumble dry. Line drying is a great choice if you can, because the sun is a natural bleacher, and the outside air adds extra freshness. Tumble dry on high with a dry towel, to help them dry faster.

I really love being a cloth diapering mom and wish everyone would do it. It might take a bit more time, but I really don’t think it takes that much more than disposables. Especially when you factor in all the trips to the store; the garbage can and the cost of the diapers. If I wasn’t addicted to getting so much extra cute cloth diaper fluffiness, we could have cloth diapered these two, until they were ready to potty train for around $700.00. Disposables run well over $2500.00, per child! Plus $300.00 with wipes! So, even with my addiction to all things cloth, we are still saving money. And more importantly, there will be 2,000 lbs. less diaper waste (per child), sitting in a landfill (not to mention all the chemicals needed to make disposable diapers).
Do not be afraid of cloth diapering. These are not our Mom’s (or grandparent’s) old-fashion prefold, pins, and plastic pants. The CDing world is a fast-growing, ever-changing, fascinating place. I am still amazed at the choices available and a part of me will be sad when my twins are done with diapers. My hope is that one day, the disposable will vanish from the world and every child will be outfitted in cloth diapers. Cloth is truly better for our precious angels and our planet, and it just keeps getting better!
Written By: Karen Poer Siela, Twin Mom