Congrats! You’ve made it to the third trimester! HURRAY!!
What can you expect at 28 weeks pregnant with twins? We’ve compiled a list of common symptoms, to-do’s this week, pregnancy tips, pregnancy concerns, questions to ask your doctor, advice from other pregnant moms of twins, and tons of other info below to help you through this week in your twins pregnancy. Enjoy!
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⬅ 27 Weeks Pregnant with Twins 👶👶
👶👶 29 Weeks Pregnant with Twins ➡
- 28 Weeks Pregnant With Twins Video
- What’s Going On With Those Twinnies?
- To-Do List
- 5 Tips for a Better 28th Week
- Advice From Other Twin Moms
- Concerns Other Twin Moms Had
- Questions Twin Moms Had for Their Doctor
- 28 Weeks Pregnant Video
- Typical Tests That Are Done
- Product Recommendations
- An excerpt from “What To Do When You’re Having Two”
- Belly Photos at 28 Weeks Pregnant With Twins
- Ultrasound Photos at 28 Weeks Pregnant With Twins
- Articles You Should Read This Week
- Videos to Check Out
- Register for Class
28 Weeks Pregnant With Twins Video

Our new digital twin pregnancy journal is up for sale on the Twiniversity Etsy store! This is the first and only digital journal exclusively for twin pregnancy. It’s the perfect way to record your precious twin pregnancy memories to cherish for years to come. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and Twiniversity Shop!

What’s Going On With Those Twinnies?
- Median weight for dichorionic twins: 2lbs, 10oz
- Median weight for monochorionic twins: 2lbs, 9oz*
*This is the week at which monochorionic twins deviate from singleton weight reference charts.
Your twins may be able to sense light filtering in from the outside as their eyesight progresses. Their eyelashes have grown in and they can blink!

To-Do List
- Pack your hospital bag. Don’t be afraid to pack on the lighter side. You can opt to keep certain items in your car to keep your labor/postpartum room less cluttered until you actually need certain items, such as a twin breastfeeding pillow. And remember that your spouse can always run home the next day to grab anything you forgot. Make sure to keep your cord blood banking kits with your hospital bag!
- Remind your partner to pack his/her hospital bag. There are few things as annoying as watching your partner run around the house looking for their toiletries while you’re standing by the front door in excruciating pain, with your own packed bag in hand!

5 Tips for a Better 28th Week
- Make sure you don’t spend the entire day sitting as it usually makes my feet swell.
- Workout/be active if you can (and if your doctor allows it) It helps with the low energy you might be feeling.
- Wear braces on your wrists if experiencing carpal tunnel
- Sleep with a pillow between your legs to ease hip pain
- Start counting the kicks of your twins

Advice From Other Twin Moms
Make sure you have car seats and have a plan to have your installation checked by a car seat tech.
– Molly, Coeur d’ Alene, ID
It’s okay to feel tired so quickly. Especially if you’re used to being active, don’t be caught off guard with suddenly feeling out of breath or more tired than usual.
– Angela L., Campbell, CA
Slow down…take your time..relax.. And most of all….twin pregnancy IS twice as hard as a singleton….give yourself a break and ask for help!
– Lindsay
Contact your health insurance about a breast pump.
– Molly, Coeur d’ Alene, ID
Hang in there. 28 weeks is a huge milestone! A pregnancy with multiples can be very complicated so celebrate how far you’ve come!
– Hayley W., Berlin, MD
“Just keep swimming” and take one day/hour/minute at a time.
– Michelle H., Las Vegas, NV
Nail down any baby shower plans because you’ll want to get that out of the way before you are too far along.
– Molly, Coeur d’ Alene, ID
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit to join today!

Concerns Other Twin Moms Had
- That my babies aren’t growing enough.
- I’m worried about premature labor.
- How long will I be able to go to work while carrying the twins?
- Will I need to go on bed rest?
- What symptoms should I call the doctor about if they come up?
- Getting so close to the due date and making sure I have the major things in place. I.e. insurance, breast pump, hospital tour, pediatrician.
- My main concern has been the fact that one twin is vertex and the other is breech. My doctor has already said she will not deliver breech so possibly I could have vaginal for one and either try external cephalic version (if it works) vs. c-section. It’s kind of scary thinking about it and not knowing if they will both be vertex by delivery and stay that way.

Questions Twin Moms Had for Their Doctor
- What are the chances of a vaginal delivery?
- Are they gaining weight in the normal range or are they smaller?
- Do you recommend delayed cord clamping?
- Any tips to help sleeping?
- How does the birth plan work?
- What can I take for heartburn?
- How is my weight gain going?
- Do I have to worry about anemia or diabetes?
- Can I continue to work out?
- Should I be getting the flu shot?
- How should I expect my labor to go?
- What is a c-section process and recovery?
- If the babies were to come early, what would happen?
- What exercises are safe while I’m on bed rest?
- Is there anything I do that could negatively impact cervical length?
- When should I start prenatal classes? (the answer is NOW!)
- Why is one twin moving a lot more than the other.
- Is it ok for me to take melatonin at night for sleep?
- Can I do prenatal yoga?
- Is it likely that baby B can turn vertex on her own between now and delivery?
28 Weeks Pregnant Video
Typical Tests That Are Done
You’ll also soon take the glucose test to determine if you’re at risk for gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar (diabetes) that starts or is found during pregnancy. The test is typically administered between 24-28 weeks gestation. Gestational Diabetes (GDM) occurs in 3-6% of twin pregnancies. Twin gestations are screened for GDM using the same challenge (50g glucose load), the same schedule (24-28 weeks of gestation), and the same normal ranges that are used for singleton gestations.

“Wooh entering the third trimester! Had a doctor’s appointment this week and they are both measuring over 2 pounds. I can barely make it through the long MFM appointments because I get so clammy and lightheaded laying on my back. I started packing my hospital bag and the nursery is mostly done. I’m still having issues with heartburn, but have been treating it more with what my doctor says to take and that has helped. Nothing ever sounds really appealing to eat though, except maybe breakfast. Oh well – trying to eat to help the babies grow!” Lauren, 28 weeks pregnant with twins.

Product Recommendations
Best Cradle – Maternity Support Belt
Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Tummy Butter & Stretch Mark Massage Lotion
Rachel’s Remedy Breastfeeding/Sore Breast Relief Packs
Digital Twin Pregnancy Journal
Boppy Pregnancy Support Pillow
Check out this list of more Must Have Pregnancy Products You Need Right Now
Check out all our Twiniversity merch in our SHOP! We’ve got twin mom and dad t-shirts, twin planning printables, lactation support, twin baby shower planners & games, a digital twin pregnancy journal, and so much more! Start shopping now

An excerpt from “What To Do When You’re Having Two“
Set Up Automatic Bill Pay
This is so simple and helpful. Set up every one of your bills for an automatic payment of the minimum monthly amount. You don’t know exactly when you’re going to go into labor or if these babies are going to come early, and the last thing that you’re going to want to worry about during that time is getting your bills paid. Just set it all up so that everyone gets just enough to prevent you from getting hit with a finance charge, and you’ll be grateful to not be thinking about the electric bill on the day of your children’s birth.
Pregnant with twins and not sure where to start? Visit the Ultimate Twin Pregnancy Guide to find all the top articles and resources to get you ready for twins. While you’re at it, check out our expecting twin classes and Twiniversity shop!
REMINDER: Don’t forget to take a belly shot!
Belly Photos at 28 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Ultrasound Photos at 28 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Articles You Should Read This Week
Twin Pregnancy and PCOS: One MoM’s Story
Twin Baby Shower Etiquette + Gifts Under $50
Stretching A Twins Maternity Clothes Budget
Videos to Check Out
Register for Class
Have you taken your expecting twins class yet? We offer a great class on demand so you can take it on your own schedule! There are so many video modules covering everything from your twins’ baby registry to your first week at home with twins! Sign up today to get started before your twins arrive.

Want to get weekly emails about your twin pregnancy? Sign up for the Twiniversity email list! Subscribe today to get emails about giveaways, events, weekly article roundups, and more! We’ll be sending you a weekly twin pregnancy email to keep you on track with your pregnancy to-do list! Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and personal twin parent coaching services.
⬅ 27 Weeks Pregnant with Twins 👶👶
👶👶 29 Weeks Pregnant with Twins ➡
- AAFP. 2011c. Your baby’s development: The third trimester. American Academy of Family Physicians.
- Mayo Clinic. 2014b. Fetal development: The third trimester.
- MedlinePlus (ADAM). 2015. Fetal development.
- OWH. 2010. Stages of pregnancy. U.S. Office on Women’s Health.
- ACOG. 2015. FAQ156. Prenatal development: How your baby grows during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.