Last updated on February 28th, 2024 at 09:21 am

Shopping for strollers can be very confusing. How much should I budget for my stroller? What’s a better stroller: tandem or side-by-side? What about inline strollers? Do I need to take out a second mortgage on my house to afford this stroller for kids? And there are so many options out there — how can you be sure you’re picking the right stroller?
If these questions sound familiar to you, don’t worry! Twiniversity is here to help. We have been the double strollers experts for YEARS and we are here to dish all the details on what to consider when buying your stroller.

Stroller for Kids: Why Are They So Complicated?
Every family is different. What worked for one family may not work for another. There are so many factors that go into which stroller you should buy. Where you live, what kind of terrain you’ll be on, your living situation, your storage situation, how wide/narrow are your doorways, hallways, etc. It’s enough to drive a twin parent crazy!
I’m going to try to break it down to make it a little easier on you. I really could use a flowchart right now!
Latest Twiniversity Articles
Do you live in the city, suburbs, or a rural area? This makes a big difference.
City Life
If you live in a city you typically are dealing with narrow sidewalks, apartment living (maybe even a walkup), navigating narrow hallways, and generally not having enough room for storage. In this case, a narrow side-by-side or an in-line stroller (which is much shorter in length than a tandem) would probably be best for you.
If you live in the suburbs, you probably have wider sidewalks, doorways, and aisles/hallways and more storage. In that case a side-by-side of any width may be fine for you, and a tandem stroller would also be a good option.
Rural Living
If you live in a rural area, you may not even have sidewalks, so a stroller that can handle rough terrain will be very helpful. You’ll want to invest in twin strollers with real air tires and good shocks and suspension.
Are you looking for the best double stroller for twins? Not sure if you should go for a tandem stroller or a side-by-side stroller? And what about a Snap N’ Go? We’ve got all the details for you in our double stroller resource. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and the Twiniversity shop!
What Stroller Is Best for Twins?
We definitely have our favorites here at Twiniversity! These strollers have been selected as top picks for parents of twins by actual parents of twins. Feel free to send us questions if you still aren’t sure which stroller to buy at
What Is the Best Side by Side Stroller for Kids?
Our favorite side by side double strollers are as follows. These were selected based on their excellent features at various price points. Many of these strollers have awesome add-on accessories, such as bassinets and rain covers, so always check with the manufacturer’s website to see what they have to offer.
- Bumbleride Indie Twin – $$$ (takes two infant car seats)
- Mountain Buggy Duet – $$$ (takes two infant car seats)
- Contours Element – $$$$ (takes two infant car seats)
- Bugaboo Donkey 3 Twin – $$$$$ (takes two infant car seats)
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 – $$$
- Britax B-Lively – $$
- BOB Duallie – $$$ (jogging stroller)
- Thule Urban Glide 2 – $$$ (jogging stroller)
Stroller Blanket Roundup: What Blankets Will Keep Your Twins Warm Outside

If you just heard that second heartbeat for the first time, or you know it’s been two for a while, you need to read our twin pregnancy week by week timeline to help you learn what happens week by week with twins. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and twin parent coaching services.
What Is the Best Tandem Stroller for Kids?
Our favorite tandem twin strollers are as follows. These were selected based on their excellent features at various price points.
- Contours Options Elite – $$ (takes two infant car seats)
- Contours Curve – $$$ (takes two infant car seats)
- Chicco Cortina – $$ (takes two infant car seats)
Stressing out with your infant twins? Let us help! Learn what to expect in the first year with twins, including tips, tricks, and advice from real twin parents who have been there. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our twin parent coaching services and Twiniversity shop!
Need some baby safety training? Take the Twiniversity Complete Baby Safety course, offered on-demand. Includes video modules on infant, toddler, and child CPR, first aid, and common medical ailments, plus car seat installation and safety and childproofing your home. Click here to learn more!
What Is the Best Inline Stroller for Kids?
What is in inline stroller? It is a single stroller that can add a second seat underneath, usually in the basket. This is a great option for people who live in big cities where space is very limited. You will be giving up basket space with an inline but it will be worth it for making tight turns and keeping your twinnies close.
- phil&teds Voyager – $$ (takes two infant car seats)
- Britax B-Ready G3 – $$ (takes two infant car seats)
Are You a New Twin Parent?
Check out Natalie Diaz’s book:
“What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”
In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.
What Is the Best Lightweight Tandem Stroller?
- Baby Trend Snap ‘N Go Double – $
- Joovy Twin Roo+ – $
- Zoe The Tandem+ – $$
- Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite – $$

What Is the Best Lightweight Side by Side Double Stroller?
- UPPABaby G-Link 2 – $$
- Joovy Twin Groove – $$
- Zoe Twin+ Luxe – $
Pregnant with twins and not sure where to start? Visit the Ultimate Twin Pregnancy Guide to find all the top articles and resources to get you ready for twins. While you’re at it, check out our expecting twin classes and Twiniversity shop!
What Is the Best Stroller for Twins Plus an Older Child?
- Joovy Big Caboose
- Valco Twin Tri Mode Duo X with Joey Seat (sold separately)
- Zoe The Trio+
- Bumbleride Indie Twin with Stroller Board Attachment
What About Single Strollers That Can Become Double Strollers?
There has been an influx of single strollers that can convert to double strollers (also known as modular strollers, or single-to-double strollers) on the market in the past few years. Many of these are marketed as being twin strollers, but buyer beware! Just because it can hold two children doesn’t mean it’s good for twins.
Modular strollers were meant for an older child and a new baby to ride in together. Often the weight limits on the seats are different (one with a much higher limit), which makes it bad for twins. Also, often the space between the front seat and the back seat is cramped, making it bad for twins past about 2 years old.
Want to see video reviews of our favorite twin strollers?
Click here: Double Stroller Resource for Twin Parents
Are you looking for the best double stroller for twins? Not sure if you should go for a tandem stroller or a side-by-side stroller? And what about a Snap N’ Go? We’ve got all the details for you in our double stroller resource. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and the Twiniversity shop!
If you’re going to sink good money on one big honkin’ stroller, our advice is to NOT purchase a modular stroller because it will only last you for about two years, until your twins have no more room for their feet in the back seat.
Most twin parents try to keep their twins in a stroller until age 3 – 4 (sometimes even age 5 or 6, depending on their size and willingness to ride init). A twin stroller is especially helpful when visiting large parks such as a zoo or Disney World. It’s so much easier to have a fun time with your twins when you have the option to strap them in and keep them from running in two directions! Plus it will carry all your snacks, drinks, extra clothes, first aid kit, and everything else you may need at a moment’s notice.

Are Double Strollers Worth It?
A stroller for kids is absolutely worth it for parents with multiple children. The freedom of being able to get out of the house with your kids while keeping them safe is priceless! But remember, you don’t have to buy a stroller new. You can save a LOT of money by searching the local buy/sell boards online to find a great stroller in used condition for a steal. Expensive double strollers usually last 10+ years and can go through several families while still holding up. On the other hand, if you have it in your budget to buy a more pricey stroller, know that when you’re done with it you can sell it for at least half of the retail price.
Happy shopping!
Worried about breastfeeding twins? What To Do When You’re Breastfeeding Two is an on-demand online breastfeeding twins class made just for YOU! This course was created by Twiniversity in partnership with Judy Teibloom-Mishkin, IBCLC. Click here to learn more…
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit to join today!
Need some baby safety training? Take the Twiniversity Complete Baby Safety course, offered on-demand. Includes video modules on infant, toddler, and child CPR, first aid, and common medical ailments, plus car seat installation and safety and childproofing your home. Click here to learn more!