Last updated on February 28th, 2024 at 09:06 pm
Learn what to expect with your infant twins week 1, including tips, tricks, and advice from real twin parents who have been there.
Your Twins Week 1
All content on this website, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.
So your twins have finally made their grand entrance into the world! Congratulations and welcome to the twin parenting club!
Now what? Well, this is a good place to start. We have plenty of information and resources to help you navigate twin parenting.
Our twin parenting tips come from our very own experienced twin parents from around the world. These parents have all been there, done that, and are ready to share their tips and tricks with you.
These first few weeks can be full of excitement, questions, and anxiety. Not to worry, we’ve got your back. Here’s all our best tips, tricks, and advice for twins week 1.
If you feel unprepared for twins, take a Twiniversity Expecting Twins Class! Even if your babies are newborns, our class will be so incredibly helpful to get you on track with your twins.

What to Expect with Twins Week 1
- 150 diapers (buy on Amazon) per week for twins (that’s 16-24 diaper changes per day)
- 8 feedings per day (every 3 hours). Feed your babies at the same time and put them down to sleep at the same time to keep them together on a schedule. Learn about bottle-feeding here
- Babies are eating typically 15-mL to 2 oz at each feed. Ask your pediatrician what is the appropriate amount for your babies based on their weights.
- If you’re breastfeeding, expect that your mature milk will take 3-7 days to fully come in. Bring your twins to breast to get colostrum (early milk) as soon as possible after birth or pump/hand-express colostrum to feed to them in the NICU. Learn how to hand-express here.
- You can try tandem breastfeeding (buy on Amazon) immediately but keep in mind that newborn babies tend to do better at tandem feeding once they have mastered feeding on their own. Keep trying to tandem feed but don’t stress if it takes a few weeks for your babies to get the hang of it. Read more about breastfeeding here
- If you’re breastfeeding, you will need to pump (buy on Amazon) after each feeding for 15-20 minutes tops to empty your breasts. This will help to establish your milk supply. Once your supply is well established (typically by 4-6 weeks) you can stop pumping on a schedule. Read more about pumping here and take our Online On-Demand Breastfeeding Twins class to learn all the basics you need to know.
- Only sponge baths until the umbilical cord stump falls off on its own
- Lots of skin to skin contact – the more the better to help regulate baby’s body temperature and promote bonding (both parents can do this!)
- The twins will lose weight in their first week (7-10% of body weight) followed by gaining it back by 14 days old
- Very sleepy babies – it will be difficult to keep them awake for feedings in the first few weeks. Babies this young sleep up to 18 hours a day.
- Babies wanting to be up all night and asleep all the day
- Your babies should be placed to sleep on their backs on a firm, flat surface with only a tightly-fitted crib sheet. No blanket, no toys, no bumpers, no flat sheets. You baby should wear a swaddle blanket or wearable blanket for warmth and comfort. Do not sleep your babies on an inclined surface (learn why here). Following these recommendations will greatly reduce the risk of SIDS and accidental suffocation. Learn more about SIDS here.
- Tummy time during the daylight hours. Aim for a few minutes a few times a day after feedings. Read more about tummy time here
- Lots of pediatrician appointments. You’ll be there a few days after discharge from the hospital, 1 week out, 2 weeks out, 4 weeks out, etc. Reminder that twins = two co-pays for each doctor’s visit.
- Cradle cap: what is it? Read about cradle cap here
- Special care for circumcisions – defer to your doctor
- Your babies developing different sounding cries for different reasons
- All hands on deck! You and your partner will need to work as a TEAM. If two parents are equally caring for two newborns and the division of labor is fair, you will have a much easier time. If only one parent is doing the majority of the heavy lifting, it will take a toll on your relationship. Make a game plan early on about dividing up feedings, diaper changes, chores, etc. Read more about being a team here
- If you have a c-section, limitations will be placed by your doctor, such as no driving or climbing stairs or heavy lifting. Read more about recovery here
- Postpartum symptoms may continue for a few weeks. Symptoms you may have immediately after birth: cold/hot flashes, swelling, sweating, lots of peeing, trapped gas, constipation, mood swings, heavy period flow. If you notice anything wrong, such as high blood pressure, blurred vision, sudden swelling, or just a sense that something is “off”, call your doctor or head for the ER. It could be postpartum preeclampsia. Read about what to expect after birth here
- You will feel mood swings and the “baby blues” soon after delivery, which should taper off by week 2 or 3. If postpartum depression or anxiety persists longer than that, talk to your doctor.
- You will continue to have spotting through the first month postpartum, whether you have a vaginal or c-section delivery. Be sure to stock up on disposable underwear (buy on Amazon) or overnight pads (buy on Amazon) to last you through the first 2 weeks and then pantiliners for weeks 3 and 4 (buy on Amazon).
Want to be the first to know about giveaways, deals, and more just for twin parents? Sign up for the Twiniversity email list! Subscribe today to get emails about giveaways, events, weekly article roundups, and more! Pregnant with twins? We’ll be sending you a weekly twin pregnancy email to keep you on track with your pregnancy to-do list! Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our Complete Baby Safety Course and Twin Parent Memberships.
Common Concerns From the Moms Who Have Been There With Twins Week 1
- Will I be able to breastfeed twins?
- Are my twins eating enough?
- When will my twins get on a routine?
- How will I bring my twins out alone?
- How do I balance the new twins, my other kids, my marriage and self-care?
- How will I manage my twins alone for the first time?
- What do I do to keep strangers from touching my twins?
- Will my smaller twin catch up?

The Twins Tale Podcast by Twiniversity is an intimate look into the lives of twin parents and their twins at all ages and stages, from birth through college. We interview twin parents in the trenches and ask all the burning questions you want to know about raising twins: schedules that work, feeding your twins, getting out of the house, finding sanity, and so much more. Subscribe for FREE today!
Milestones & Developmental Leaps Parents Have Noticed With Twins Week 1
What’s going on with development in twins week 1?
- Learning to latch to the breast Read about latching and breastfeeding here
- Briefly lift their heads during tummy time Read about tummy time here
- You will see an increasing appetite
Challenges You Might Experience With Twins Week 1
There are some challenges to look out for with twins week 1
- Learning to feed your newborn twins at the same time. Read about tandem bottle feedings here and tandem breastfeeding here
- Getting your newborn twins on a schedule. Learn how to get your twins on a schedule here
- Finding the right supplies for your newborn twins (ie, formula, diapers, wipes). Read about what you will need for twins here
- Getting the hang of nighttime feedings with twins. Learn how to survive nighttimes with twins here
- Lack of sleep. Learn how to get more sleep with twins here
- Babies are still learning to feed and often struggle with gas. Learn how to soothe gassy twins here
- Milk production frustrations. Read tips to increase your milk supply for twins here
- Managing older children with newborn twins. Read tips to manage twins and old children here

5 Tips from Parents of Twins Week 1
Take some tips from experienced twin parents!
- Sleep when you can
- Ask for help and accept it when it is offered. Click here for a printable baby help chore chart
- Don’t be afraid to limit visitors. Read how to handle visitors here
- Record these moments (baby books, pictures, videos) Read about recording memories here
- Be patient with yourself, your partner, and your twins Read a letter to new moms of twins here
- Track feedings and diaper changes to help you get on a schedule. Click here for a printable twins daily log.
Personal Advice from Parents of Twins Week 1
“Don’t stress, freak out, or worry. This is a hard week. You’re bonding with your new babies and healing from birth all the while trying to keep those two babies alive. You are a rockstar and remind yourself of that! Also coffee is your best friend.”
– Baylee H.
“Know it will get easier. One day your twins will sleep longer and be alert more. Being a twin mom is the best job ever. Try to keep your twins on the same schedule if you can.”
– Dana T.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself. Be prepared for all the attention your babies will get when you leave the house and be careful with who you let touch them with their germs.”
– Lisa D.
“This week has been full of so many changes, it’s easy to get caught up in the pure chaos and pain from birth and taking care of two newborn babies BUT take a deep breath and try to enjoy the moments you can. This new season starts and ends so quickly!”
– Christine J.
“Take it as it comes. Give yourself grace and enjoy it all before this phase is gone. It’s happening so fast. Try to remember to take care of yourself, even when it’s hard. Just a moment to yourself and a quick nap or shower is great for your mental health.”
– Melissa R.
Questions You Might Have for Your Pediatrician About Your Twins Week 1
Click here for a printable download with doctor questions for twins week 1.
- How much and how often should my twins be eating?
- When can I go out for walks with my twins?
- How can I keep my twins healthy during the cold and flu season?
- Are pacifiers okay for twi?
- When should I expect my twins’ umbilical cord stumps to fall off?
- Are my twins gaining enough weight?
- When should we start tummy time with twins?
- How can I relieve gas pain for my twins?
You Might Want These Items for Your Twins Week 1
- Baby monitors (buy on Amazon)
- Weego twin carrier
- White noise machine (buy on Amazon)
- Tummy time mat (buy on Amazon)
- Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced (buy on Amazon)
- Bottle drying rack (buy on Amazon)
- Baby Trend Snap-N-Go Double (buy on Amazon)
- Love to Dream SwaddleUP (buy on Amazon)
- Table for Two
- oogiebear – the better booger picker (buy here – use discount code TWINS for 30% off)
- For more recommended baby products, click here

At Twiniversity, we LOVE the oogiebear for getting those gooey, crusty boogers out of your twins’ tiny noses to easily and safely help relieve nasal congestion. The patented bear head design ensures that the ends will not go too far into their noses and the soft rubber scoop and loop are specially created to be gentle enough for your tiny twinnies (it also works great to clean tiny ears!) oogiebear also makes a certified organic chestrub and soothing nosebalm, all using natural ingredients. PLUS the inventor of oogiebear is a Doctor of Pharmacy and mom of 3! So you know you’re in the best of hands with oogiebear.
You Might Want These Items for Yourself
- Haakaa manual breast pump (buy on Amazon)
- Twin Z breastfeeding pillow (buy on Amazon)
- My Brest Friend Twin pillow (buy on Amazon)
- Belly oil for pregnancy and postpartum (buy on Amazon)
- The Upside Down Momwasher peri bottle (buy on Amazon)
- For more recommended postpartum recovery products, click here
Daily Schedule Sample for Twins Week 1
When you think about the bigger picture, a schedule with twins week 1 may seem pointless. I assure you, it is not. Following a consistent, but flexible schedule may save your sanity when getting your bearings as a new twin parent.
Feed your twins every 3 hours. For example, start the feeding at these times:
- 12 am feed
- 3 am feed
- 6 am feed
- 9 am feed
- 12 pm feed
- 3 pm feed
- 6 pm feed
- 9 pm feed
The schedule for your twins will need to be adjusted as things come up. Sometimes one baby will wake up too early and refuse to go back down. Just get the other baby up and do the feeding and reset the schedule from there.
Always keep the twins feeding together to make sure you get breaks. If they are on opposite feeding schedules, you will never get a break — and you deserve one!
Check out our twins nap schedule advice here:
It’s Naptime! Twins Nap Schedules Through the Years
Sleep Advice From the Sleep Lady
Thinking about your twin’s sleep (or lack thereof) can bring about overwhelming feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. Your twins will be waking all night long during these first few weeks.
The Sleep Lady, Kim West, LCSW-C recommends: “Very young babies need their parents to cuddle and comfort them. At this point in their development, they don’t have the means to do it themselves. They may need you to help replicate the warm and cozy feeling they felt when they were in the womb so that they may feel secure and fall asleep. Take advantage of this time to bond with your baby so he can grow and thrive. Relax, knowing that at this young age you will not teach your child any “bad habits” by snuggling them to sleep.”
See more of what The Sleep Lady Recommends about your newborn twins’ sleep here.
When to Call the Doctor
It’s better to overreact 100% of the time than to underreact once.
Natalie Diaz, Twiniversity Founder and Mom of Twins
All content on this website, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.
I’ll be honest here: there will be someone in your life who will have something negative to say every time you call your twins’ pediatrician. So what?! Who really cares? At the end of the day, these are your twins and YOU know them best. Trust your gut.
That being said, there are a few guidelines to follow. There are a few circumstances under which you should call your doctor and get medical advice. When you call you should have a pen and paper handy and be prepared to give the following information over the phone:
- Immunization records
- Any medications, dosages, and times last taken (even over the counter drugs)
- Medical history
- Your baby’s temperature
- Mention that the baby is a twin, in case of a contagious illness
Any time you see the following symptoms with your twins you should contact your pediatrician immediately.
- Blood in vomit
- Blood in stool
- Seizure
- Suspected poisoning
- Bleeding you cannot stop
- Unable to move
- Limpness
- A rectal temperature of 100.4 or above
- Sleeps more than usual or will not wake up
- Yellow skin or eyes
Call your doctor as soon as possible if one or both of your twins experiences any of the following.
- Refusal to eat for multiple feedings in a row
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- A cold that will not resolve itself or gets worse
- Unexplained rash
- Signs of dehydration (no tears, no wet diapers, sunken eyes, sunken soft spot)
- Ear drainage
- Will not stop crying
When to Call 911
Please note that when you call 911, you and your baby will be taken to the nearest emergency room. This may or may not be located at your preferred hospital.
- Your baby is turning blue or taking more than 60 breaths per minute
- Your baby has a seizure which lasts more than 3 minutes or you cannot reach their doctor by phone immediately
- Suffers from convulsions, unconsciousness, or irregular breathing following a fall or from bleeding
- You think your baby may have a skull, neck, back, or pelvic fracture (DON’T move your baby)
- Your baby suffers from a compound fracture where bone is sticking out from the skin (cover it with a clean cloth and do not touch it)
- Your baby has bleeding you cannot stop after applying pressure for 10 minutes
Again, trust your gut. When in doubt, call and see what your doctor thinks. That’s what they’re there for.
What You Should Read for Twins Week 1
- 5 Tips to Survive the Newborn Stage with Twins
- How to Survive Newborn Twins When You’re Not Beyonce
- Rules for Surviving the First Week with Twins
- Dear Dad, Your Life Will Be Different After Twins Arrive
- Postpartum Recovery Products New Moms Swear By
Dealing with a NICU Stay
If you’re dealing with a NICU stay for one or both of your babies, make sure to read our NICU resource for parents of twins. Here are some tips for managing the NICU:
- Use the NICU neonatologist as your pediatrician until the twins are ready to discharge from the hospital. The neonatologist is there in the NICU all the time, while the local pediatrician you have selected only gets to visit the NICU maybe once a day and often at hours when you’re not there. Using the NICU neonatalogist will be so much more convenient for you.
- Request the same nurses for day and night shifts so you have some consistency. You can also request your babies to have the same nurse if possible.
- Find out what time the nurses change shifts. If you can’t visit one day, call in the middle of their shift so you don’t catch them at the busy times at the beginning and end of their shifts.
- Pump your breastmilk in the NICU. Most NICUs have a pumping room, hospital grade pumps, a lactation counseling team, and refrigerated milk storage to support your breastfeeding goals. Providing that liquid gold to your preemie babies is one of the best things you can do to contribute to their success.
- Bring snacks and drinks to keep your energy up. They usually have a refrigerator for parents to use.
- Take photos and videos often. You think now that you won’t want to remember this time, but just think how amazing it will be to look back on these in the future and see how far they’ve come.
- For more NICU tips and advice, click here
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit to join today!
Don’t Forget to Do These With Twins Week 1
In this first week, everything is a bit of a blur. If you feel like you’re having an out of body experience, don’t worry. You aren’t alone. We’ve been there. This week there are a few things to remember that might help you out a bit.
- Take pictures! Have your partner take pictures of you with your twins and don’t worry about your hair. You won’t care how you look in these pictures in 16 years. Promise!
- Eat and drink! It’s going to be easy to forget to do this, so plan ahead to have friends/family drop off meals and opt for ready-made meals from the freezer section for quick dinners.
- Show your partner a little appreciation when you can. Even just a quick smile and a hug can do wonders for your marriage and your own mental health.
- Keep in close communication with your pediatrician. Don’t be afraid to ask any and all questions. If the staff at the office makes you feel guilty about this, it’s time to find a new provider.
- Make sure you make your postpartum appointment (typically for 6 weeks after birth.) Your mental and physical health is more important than ever right now.
- Put on your oxygen mask first! If you don’t take care of yourself first, you won’t be there to take care of your twins.
Are You a New Twin Parent?
Check out Natalie Diaz’s book:
“What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”
In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.
An excerpt from Twiniversity founder Natalie Diaz’s book, “What To Do When You’re Having Two“
I cannot tell a lie. The first few months of your babies’ lives will not be easy. You will be tired. You will be drained. You will be stressed. You will be severely sleep deprived. You will have to learn A LOT about caring for two wonderful new humans each day. And meanwhile, you will be on a hormonal roller coaster ride while recovering from childbirth. There will be many wonderful moments, of course, but they may occur under the haze of sleep deprivation and partial loss of sanity.
So how can you best handle this very brief but equally intense part of your life? How will you do all the daily tasks? How will you make it through without doing serious damage to yourself, the kids, and your spouse? Read on, brave mommies, for a look at what to expect, as well as the best tips and techniques for making those whirlwind first weeks a little bit saner.
Photos of Twins Week 1

Return to the First Year with Twins Home
- Dr. Ilona Bendefy, Baby: Day by Day
- Dr. Frans X. Plooij and Dr. Hetty van de Rijt, The Wonder Weeks
- Marple, Kate, and Dawn Rosenberg. “When to Call 911: How to Tell If Your Baby Needs Emergency Care.” BabyCenter
- “Newborn Baby: When to Call the Doctor.” Cleveland Clinic
- “Developmental Milestones: 1 Month.”
- “First Month: Physical Appearance and Growth.”
- WhattoExpect. “Newborn and 1-Week-Old Baby.” What to Expect, WhattoExpect, 2 Aug. 2019
- “How Often and How Much Should Your Baby Eat?”