Last updated on November 2nd, 2023 at 10:17 am
Learn what to expect with your infant twins week 25, including tips, tricks, and advice from real twin parents who have been there.
All content on this website, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.
Your Twins Week 25
Welcome back returning twin parents! Hello and welcome to the new twin parents who are just finding us today!
You made it through your first four months as a twin parent and you’re now well into your fifth month of twin parenthood. This is a huge accomplishment. Little known secret: we knew you could do it!
Now what? Well, this is a good place to start. We have plenty of information and resources to help you navigate twin parenting with your twins week 25.
Our twin parenting tips come from our very own experienced twin parents from around the world! These parents have all been there, done that, and are ready to share their tips and tricks with you.
These first months are full of excitement, questions, and even some anxiety. Not to worry, we’ve got your back. We’ve laid out all our best tips, tricks, and advice for twins week 25.
Got preemies? Make sure to consider your premature twins’ corrected age when reviewing whether or not they are meeting their milestones at appropriate times. In the vast majority of cases, preemies catch up by school-age and go on to succeed at the same level as their peers. Read more about your preemies hitting developmental milestones here

What to Expect with Twins Week 25
- What you do will fascinate your twins and they will start to mimic you. They want to be like you! Toy keys, mixing bowls and spoons, toy cell phones, and baby musical instruments will entertain them for hours.
- Are you exhausted from trying to keep both twins happy 24/7? This is totally normal. You are trying your best to make everyone happy but when you have twins (or more) someone will (almost) always be crying. Quick reminder: If they’re crying, they’re breathing! They will be OK if you can’t get to them immediately. It actually will teach them at an early age that sometimes they have to wait. Use a pacifier, toy, or other safe method to help soothe the other twin while you take care of the one who needs you the most at the moment. But just know that you are not alone! This is one of the top complaints of twin parents.
- Try not to compare your twins to each other, even if they are identical. It’s common for one twin to leap ahead a little on the development front. They may even take turns. It’s very likely that they will motivate each other to hit milestones sooner than they would if they were born a singleton. Monkey see, monkey do! Learn more about trying NOT to compare twins here
- Your twins may start teething soon. This will cause sleep disruption so try to prepare. Read more about tips for teething here
- Keep your babies on a blanket or play mat on the floor as much as possible during the day. Put toys and baby mirrors around them to encourage them to reach out and begin to move.
- Your twins will by now be putting their fingers into their mouths and trying to grasp objects and bring them to their mouths. Be extra careful about what you leave out within the twins’ reach. Anything that can fit through a toilet paper roll can get lodged in your baby’s throat.
- Expect to go through 70-100 diapers per week for twins through 30 weeks old (roughly 7 months). Here’s where you can stock up: buy on Amazon. If your diapers are leaking on a regular basis, that’s the sign that you need to move up a size.
- You’re probably still doing 6 feedings a day (every 4 hours). Make sure you’re feeding your babies at the same time and putting them down to sleep at the same time to keep them together on a schedule. Learn more about bottle-feeding here
- Babies are eating typically 4 – 6 oz at each feed for twins 5 months old, but if your babies are preemies they may be eating less. Ask your pediatrician what is the appropriate amount for your babies based on their weights.
- By now, your twins will be sleeping about 15 hours every day. About 10 of those will be at night and the other 5 hours will be broken into 3 naps during the day. See our feeding and napping schedule below for a sample schedule.
- Are your twins starting to wake each other up during naps? If this becomes a real problem and no one is napping, and you have the additional space, you may want to move one twin into another bedroom in a travel crib for naps.
- Now is a good time to start a bedtime routine. A bath, a book, a feeding, a lullaby, and down to sleep is a great routine. This pattern will cue your babies to learn that “bedtime” is starting. Do the same thing every night and they’ll start to catch on to your cues. Learn more about bedtime routines here
Want to be the first to know about giveaways, deals, and more just for twin parents? Sign up for the Twiniversity email list! Subscribe today to get emails about giveaways, events, weekly article roundups, and more! Pregnant with twins? We’ll be sending you a weekly twin pregnancy email to keep you on track with your pregnancy to-do list! Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our Complete Baby Safety Course and Twin Parent Memberships.
Common Concerns From the Moms Who Have Been There With Twins Week 25
- What can I do to split my time more fairly between my twins?
- Can I sleep train my twins at the same time?
- How can we smooth the transition as I go back to work?
- Are they too young to move to their own room?
- What are the best baby foods to start with?

The Twins Tale Podcast by Twiniversity is an intimate look into the lives of twin parents and their twins at all ages and stages, from birth through college. We interview twin parents in the trenches and ask all the burning questions you want to know about raising twins: schedules that work, feeding your twins, getting out of the house, finding sanity, and so much more. Subscribe for FREE today!
Milestones & Developmental Leaps Parents Have Noticed With Twins Week 25
What’s going on with development in twin week 25?
- One or both of your twins may be showing signs of teething soon. They may be fussy, drooling, and irritable as they begin to cut their first teeth.
- You might see your twins reaching for one another intentionally as their interactions increase.
- Once that first tooth breaks through it’s time to start brushing. Start slow with a child-sized toothbrush (buy on Amazon). You may opt to use a smear of fluoride-free toothpaste (buy on Amazon) about the size of a grain of rice.
- Most twins are rolling from front to back or back to front around this time. When you notice they are starting to roll you should transition them out of the swaddle and into a sleep sack (this one is great for transitioning)
- What if your baby rolls on to her stomach in her sleep? Should you turn her back over? If she can roll back over by herself then there’s no need, but if she can’t then you should turn her on to her back. Learn more about safer sleep here
- Many doctors now advise waiting until 5 or 6 months old to start introducing solids to ensure your baby’s gut is ready to process solid foods. Some babies don’t yet have the oral motor skills to swallow solids and it may take them a while to get the hang of it, so don’t stress. Once your twins are ready, this will open up a whole new world for your daily routine. But remember — the main source of food should still be breastmilk or formula until their first birthday. Read more about starting solids here
- Your twins may finally be sleeping for longer stretches. Now may be the time to start looking into sleep training or sleep coaching if you haven’t already. Learn more about sleep training here
- Your babies may begin to hold their own bottles at this time. If they don’t do this yet, that’s totally normal! Encourage them to try holding their own bottles when they are interested.
- Your twins will start to practice reaching and grasping. Surround your twins with lightweight toys that fit in one hand. Make sure to keep hazards out of reach, such as strings, cords, small items they can choke on, hot drinks/food, etc. Read more about childproofing here
Inform your doctor if your child:
- Doesn’t watch things as they move
- Doesn’t smile at people
- Can’t hold her head steady
- Has trouble moving one or both eyes in all directions
- Doesn’t push down with legs when feet are placed on a hard surface
We love the Larktale Caravan stroller/wagon for twins! It’s got plenty of room, it’s easy to push and pull, and it keeps your kiddos safe while still being able to enjoy the view. The easy maneuverability puts even more activities in play such as sporting events, outdoor festivals, camping, and the beach. And when your twins are tuckered out, only the caravan™ offers unique patent-pending reclining seats. You can also flip one seat forward into a flat base position to haul even more essentials on your outing or let your little ones stretch their legs. Use the coupon code TWIN20 for 20% off your order. Click here to buy
Challenges You Might Experience With Twins Week 25
There are some challenges to look out for with twins week 25
- Did you know that many of the symptoms of teething are the same as a cold? Teething can bring on a low-grade fever, coughing, ear pain, diarrhea, irritability and more. Learn the symptoms of teething Learn more about the symptoms of teething here.
- Sleep regression. See how to get more sleep with twins here
- Creating a good night time routine with your twins. Read more about creating a sleep routine here
- You may start to notice your friends/family aren’t coming around as much. As time goes by you may find people assuming you don’t need help anymore with twins 5 months old. Speak up if this is not the case! Singleton parents have most likely gotten their bearings by now, but with twins this can take more time and support. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for help when you need it.
- You may start to notice a change in your friendships, especially with those who don’t have kids and/or twins. Read about changing friendships and how to make new friends here.
- Teething symptoms may make life difficult for the whole house this week. Learn about relief for your teething twins here

Tips from Parents of Twins Week 25
Take some tips from experienced twin parents!
- Write down milestones so you don’t forget.
- Allow them plenty of play time each day.
- Take fussy babies for a walk to get some fresh air and change their scenery.
- Be flexible with your schedule.
- Try to keep them awake for at least 2 hours at a time during the day.
- Sleep train your twins if you can to get more rest at night.
Personal Advice from Parents of Twins Week 25
“Don’t push it. Let them develop at their own paces. Schedule time for yourself. Plan ahead. Get out of the house and be adventurous with the twins. Experiment with food, but keep it fun and positive. For this and every stage, find something to enjoy.”
Claire N.
“Have the next size up diapers ready before you need them. Have a special place to put baby food covered bibs. Use water wipes for easy cleanup after solids. Keep an extra shirt for mom in car for when spit up strikes. Put out a new blanket each day for tummy time to reduce vacuum sessions.”
Ashley H.
“Be patient with them. Soak in the wake time moments. I think I get so consumed in watching the clock that I don’t fully enjoy them when they are awake. Take/make time for your spouse/other children. Ask for and accept help from others. Go out more by yourself to gain confidence.”
Catherine L.

Got twins? Us too! The Twiniversity Podcast with Natalie Diaz was created BY parents of twins FOR parents of twins, from your pregnancy days through your twin’s teenage years, this podcast covers it all. It’s all about parenting twins, offering plenty of strategies for making life better, parenting hacks, and, of course, humor. We are laughing WITH you every step of the way.
Questions You Might Have for Your Pediatrician About Your Twins Week 25
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends babies get doctor checkups at birth, 3 to 5 days after birth and then at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 25 months. Reminder that twins = two co-pays for each doctor’s visit.
- What can I use on their sensitive skin for and drool rash?
- How can I tell if my babies are ready for solids?
- It it time for sleep training yet?
- What is the best way to sleep train twins?
- What is the best way to relieve teething symptoms?
- What can we do to help with constipation?
You Might Want These Items for Your Twins Week 25
- Toy keys (buy on Amazon)
- Toy cell phone (buy on Amazon)
- Baby musical toys (buy on Amazon)
- Baby bowls, spoons, and plates (buy on Amazon)
- Trainer cups (buy on Amazon)
- MAM Learn to Brush Set (get two — buy on Amazon)
- Tom’s of Maine Fluoride-Free Strawberry Toothpaste (buy on Amazon)
- Fisher-Price Jumperoo (buy on Amazon)
- Summer Infant Pop N’ Jump portable activity center (buy on Amazon)
- Evenflo Exersaucer 3-in-1 (buy on Amazon)
- Evenflo Doorway Jumper (buy on Amazon)
- Fisher-Price Kick and Play Piano Gym (buy on Amazon)
- Munchkin Mozart Music Cube (buy on Amazon)
- Soft sensory books (buy on Amazon)
- Baby monitors (buy on Amazon)
- Double stroller (check out our double stroller guide here)
- Aquaphor healing ointment (buy on Amazon)
- Structured baby carrier (buy on Amazon)
- Teethers (buy on Amazon)
- White noise machine (buy on Amazon)
- Tummy time mat (buy on Amazon)
- Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced (buy on Amazon)
- High chairs (buy on Amazon)
- Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat (buy on Amazon)
- Romp & Roost LUXE Playard (learn more)
- Love to Dream Transition Bag for when they start to roll (buy on Amazon)
- NoseFrida the “Snotsucker” (buy on Amazon)
- Baby toys like the Whoozit (buy on Amazon), the Winkle (buy on Amazon), Take Along Tunes (buy on Amazon), and a floor mirror (buy on Amazon)
- For more recommended baby products, click here
You Might Want These Items for Yourself
- Twins monthly milestone baby blanket (buy on Amazon)
- Milestone baby photo cards (buy on Amazon)
- Self-care items such as makeup, hair products, new clothes, or anything to make you feel human again
Feeding and Nap Schedule for Twins 5 Months Old
A schedule with twins 5 months old is key! Let’s just say that the importance of scheduling and organization when you are outnumbered by twins simply cannot be overstated now that the twins are more alert and demanding of your time and attention.
Here is a suggested feeding and nap schedule for twins 5 months old. You can see that adding tummy time and play time before each nap is a good way to ensure they are getting enough of it throughout the day.
- 7 am feed
- 8 am tummy time and play
- 9 am nap
- 10 am wake and play
- 11 pm feed
- 12 pm tummy time and play
- 1 pm nap
- 2 pm wake and play
- 3 pm feed
- 4 pm tummy time and play
- 5 pm nap
- 6 pm wake, bath, and book
- 7 pm feed and down for the night
- 11 pm feed and back to bed
- 3 am feed and back to bed
- When your doc gives you the OK to stop waking them up at night, feed both babies when the first baby wakes and cries to eat and get them back to sleep ASAP.
- If your doctor gives you the OK to start solids, try this once or twice a day during the “tummy time and play” part of the day.
You may find that one of your babies is a great napper or eater and the other… not so much. Just do the best you can every day to keep them on the same feeding and sleeping schedule and if you get off track try again for the next feeding or nap.
Do everything in your power to feed your twins together to make sure you get breaks. If they are on opposite feeding schedules, you will never get a break — and you deserve one!
Sleep Advice From the Sleep Lady
If you’re beginning to feel like your twins 5 months old may never get the hang of consistently sleeping through the night and napping reliably, you aren’t alone. You may feel like they will ALWAYS need you to be within arms reach in order to fall asleep and stay asleep. We can assure you that eventually things really DO get better in the sleep department. Even with twins!
The Sleep Lady, Kim West, LCSW-C says: “While their abilities to communicate and calm themselves are immature they often end up in tears. It’s even more common in children who are very tired from a lack of adequate sleep! What does your child do when you say no ice cream before dinner? Or when you pick them up from playing to change their diaper? For some children the bath brings them to tears or cutting their fingernails makes them wail. There are lots of reasons children cry. What’s important is how we respond to their crying. We can choose to stay by their side offering them physical and verbal reassurance — offering a little bit less each night as they begin to master the skill of putting themselves to sleep independently. We can offer gentle sleep coaching.”
See more of what The Sleep Lady Recommends about your newborn twins’ sleep here.
When to Call the Doctor
It’s better to overreact 100% of the time than to underreact once.
Natalie Diaz, Twiniversity Founder and Mom of Twins
All content on this website, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.
When it comes to calling your doctor or seeking medical advice, you have to learn to trust yourself. No one knows your babies like you do and if you feel something isn’t right, it probably isn’t when it comes to your twins 5 months old. When in doubt, call. That’s why the offices have an answering service and have staff on call at night or on the weekends.
That being said, there are a few guidelines to follow. There are a few circumstances under which you should call your doctor and get medical advice, or even call 911. When you call you should have a pen and paper handy and be prepared to give the following information over the phone:
- Immunization records
- Any medications, dosages, and times last taken (even over the counter drugs)
- Medical history
- Your baby’s temperature
- Mention that the baby is a twin, in case of a contagious illness
Any time you see the following symptoms with your twins you should contact your pediatrician immediately.
- Blood in vomit
- Blood in stool
- Seizure
- Suspected poisoning
- Bleeding you cannot stop
- Unable to move
- Limpness
- A rectal temperature of 100.4 or above
- Sleeps more than usual or will not wake up
- Yellow skin or eyes
Call your doctor as soon as possible if one or both of your twins experiences any of the following.
- Refusal to eat for multiple feedings in a row
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- A cold that will not resolve itself or gets worse
- Unexplained rash
- Signs of dehydration (no tears, no wet diapers, sunken eyes, sunken soft spot)
- Ear drainage
- Will not stop crying
When to Call 911
Please note that when you call 911, you and your baby will be taken to the nearest emergency room. This may or may not be located at your preferred hospital.
- Your baby is turning blue or taking more than 60 breaths per minute
- Your baby has a seizure which lasts more than 3 minutes or you cannot reach their doctor by phone immediately
- Suffers from convulsions, unconsciousness, or irregular breathing following a fall or from bleeding
- You think your baby may have a skull, neck, back, or pelvic fracture (DON’T move your baby)
- Your baby suffers from a compound fracture where bone is sticking out from the skin (cover it with a clean cloth and do not touch it)
- Your baby has bleeding you cannot stop after applying pressure for 10 minutes
Again, learn to trust your gut. When in doubt, call and see what your doctor thinks. Believe it or not, they’re happy to help.
What You Should Read for Twins Week 25
- How Can I Carry My Twins to The Car Alone?
- How to Make Your Home Safer: Baby Proofing Room by Room
- Best Gear for Babies 6 Months and Up
- What Are the Best High Chairs for Small Spaces?
- 5 Features to Look For in A Sippy Cup
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit to join today!
Don’t Forget to Do These Things With Twins Week 25
You probably feel like you’re starting to get your bearings with your twins week 25. At the very least, you are probably beginning to settle into chaos as your normal. The good news is that it will continue to get better as time goes on! We have put together a few things to remember that might help you out a bit.
- Take notes. You will never be able to remember who got which tooth first and later is a relative term. Track it when you can and compile it all in a book later. This goes for keeping track of questions, concerns, and even medications for your kids doctor, too!
- Teamwork makes the dream work! Burn out happens faster than you might think with twins! When it becomes too much, lean on your partner, a family member, or friend and tag them in for a bit. If you have support, let them support you.
- Find one the you can do that does NOT revolve around being a twin mom. Read, paint, run, go on a date, get your hair done. Whatever you do, make it something that makes you feel like a person and not just a mom.
- Be in the moment. This is a hard one when juggling your twins 5 months. Take a few moments each day to really be present with your little ones. These sweet babies will only be small for so long. Take it from twin moms who have been there, one day (sooner than you think) you will long for these days! Revel in each snuggle and laugh while you can.
Are You a New Twin Parent?
Check out Natalie Diaz’s book:
“What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”
In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.
An excerpt from Twiniversity founder Natalie Diaz’s book, “What To Do When You’re Having Two“
Making Your Twins’ Schedule Work for You
As time goes by and the twins are doing well on their schedule and sleeping through the night, you will be able to go off schedule from time to time, and will find ways to build flexibility into your routine. Stick to a schedule religiously while you are in the heat of sleep training, but then take each day as it comes and use the schedule as more of a guide. If it’s a brutal winter and you can’t get outside each day, it will be fine. If you must take the twins out during their nap time because of a special occasion, it’s okay. Never forget that this schedule was designed to help you, so if it begins to feel like a prison, you need to adjust it until it better suits your life.
Don’t ever forget to make room in your schedule for all of the things that you need to get done in a day, too. Believe it or not, in the beginning, you will actually have to plan on when you are going to take a shower and when you are going to go to the bathroom! For a while, you won’t be able to live spontaneously and still get anything done, so you need to schedule in your personal life, too. This goes for spending time with your friends, having a cup of coffee, reading a book, and believe it or not, having sex with your husband.
Photos of Twins Week 25

Return to the First Year with Twins Home
- Dr. Ilona Bendefy, Baby: Day by Day
- Dr. Frans X. Plooij and Dr. Hetty van de Rijt, The Wonder Weeks
- Marple, Kate, and Dawn Rosenberg. “When to Call 911: How to Tell If Your Baby Needs Emergency Care.” BabyCenter
- “Newborn Baby: When to Call the Doctor.” Cleveland Clinic
- “How Often and How Much Should Your Baby Eat?”
- “How Much and How Often to Feed Infant Formula?”
- “Physical Appearance and Growth: 4 to 7 Months.”